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REDEYE 3/23/16

Concentration camps profit off refugees
NYT, 2/26 — Immigration and Customs Enforcement calls the detention center in Dilley, Tex., a “family residential center.” But to the 2,000 migrant children and mothers…there, it’s something else: “People who say this is not a prison are lying,”…a detainee…told Fusion last year. “It’s a prison for us and a prison for our children, but none of us are criminals.”
…The Corrections Corporation of America [CCA], America’s largest private prison…company….is part of a…global…warehousing [of] immigrants and asylum-seekers at remote sites maintained by for-profit corporations. The United Nations estimates that one in every 122 people on the planet is displaced….
It has become a multimillion-dollar industry….Hero Norway runs 90 refugee centers in Norway and 10 in Sweden….Australia’s government has contracted…Broadspectrum to manage…detention camps in Nauru and Papua New Guinea for asylum seekers. In Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron’s government awarded…Serco a seven-year contract…worth over $100 million for running the Yarl’s Wood immigrant detention center….
…The [CCA] has a long history of ignoring detainee safety….Serco has been…overcharging…for substandard work. One doctor who worked at a site run by Broadspectrum in Nauru told The Guardian that the detention center was “reminiscent of Guantánamo Bay”….
…The [CCA]…lobbied politicians to keep more people behind bars….Congress requires that at least 34,000 people be housed daily in detention centers — a so-called detention bed mandate….
…These corporations look likely to get richer and richer as more people around the world flee their homes, desperately seeking safety.
S.A. protesters force university closing
NYT, 2/26 — Students…[left] behind smoldering buildings….burn[ing] an administration building and science center at a campus…in Mafikeng….Student protesters across South Africa are calling for lower tuition, more student housing and efforts to erase…South Africa’s racist past.
Clinton backed racist 1994 mass incarceration law
NYT, 2/29 — Days before Hillary Clinton’s…overwhelming [primary] victory over rival Bernie Sanders in South Carolina…a young…black activist, Ashley Williams…in Charlotte, N.C…..was planning to confront the candidate about her support of policies — specifically the 1994 crime bill — that contributed to the explosion of racially tilted mass incarceration in this country….
…A now infamous speech Clinton gave in 1996…said: “We need to take these people on….They are…called super-predators: no conscience, no empathy….”
…Williams…whole life has borne the bruises of what was done, largely by Democrats….
She said she has grown up knowing families and whole communities devastated by vanishing Black people, swept away into a criminal justice system that pathologized their very personage….
Williams….also said that Sanders was wrong for actually voting for the bill.
Egypt’s Arab Spring convicts 3-year-old
NYT, 2/24 — CAIRO — Your honor, my client was only a year old at the time of the crime.
But it did not stop an Egyptian military court from convicting the accused, a boy now 3½, of killing three people, carrying guns and firebombs, blocking a road with burning tires and trying to damage government buildings — and sentencing him to life in prison.
The verdict came…in a mass trial of 107 people…and the charges stemmed from the protests, street clashes and police crackdowns….
After an uproar over the conviction of the boy…the military said it was a case of mistaken identity… [They] had actually meant to try a 16-year-old student with the same name….
But that, too, may be a mistake….A police spokesman…said…the wanted culprit was the toddler’s uncle, a 51-year-old man….
Haiti: UN caused cholera epidemic
NYT, 3/2 — …United Nations peacekeepers…brought cholera to Haiti after their deployment in 2010 following a disastrous earthquake…[but] has asserted that a 1946 convention on privileges and immunities insulates it from…legal action….
“Immunity does not mean impunity,”…[said] a lawyer for…a legal advocacy group…helping represent the cholera victims….
There is little dispute that the peacekeepers were at fault, as supported by medical studies including some of the United Nations’ own findings….
The cholera epidemic has killed more than 9,000 people in Haiti and infected more than 800,000.
What recovery?
NYT, 2/25 — The gap between the richest and poorest American communities has widened since the Great Recession ended [?] and distressed areas are faring worse across much of the country….
From 2010 and 2013,…employment in the most prosperous neighborhoods…jumped by more than a fifth….But in the bottom-ranked neighborhoods…jobs fell sharply….
“It’s almost like you are looking at two different countries,” said [the]…director of…the Distressed Communities Index….
While the problems in many poorer cities predate the recession…a real recovery…has left the worst-off locations…even further behind….
In the nation’s most distressed communities….more than half of adults don’t have a job….Officially, the economy has grown every year since 2010….But a…poll last year showed that 64 percent of people still thought the economy was in a recession….
In San Antonio, ranked as the most spatially unequal city in the country….42 percent lived below the poverty line.

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