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Letters of August 30

Chicago Project Helped Me Counter Black Nationalism and other Anti-Worker Ideas
One of the things that I took from the Chicago July Project experience was the idea that we need more multiracial unity in order to fight the system and not be split by identity politics and nationalism. Coming from a Black Nationalist family, I asked a white comrade about his family’s experience with Irish nationalism. He told me about how the British used different religions to oppress and divide and reap maximum profits from the Irish even though they are “white.”
With this knowledge in mind, I was able to talk to a worker who took the paper but was saying how we need Black Nationalism. I countered with the experiences of workers in Africa and the Caribbean to show how capitalism oppresses workers no matter the bosses’ skin color. He ended up giving a donation as well. The enthusiasm of my fellow comrades gave me more confidence to approach workers who I wouldn’t normally and it led to good conversations and more donations.
When I went to Chicago, I was initially apprehensive. I had bad preconceived ideas of how dangerous the working-class neighborhoods were from mainstream, capitalist media. The labor history tour showed me the real history of working class Chicago. It showed me the error of my thought that it is just gangs and violence. It really showed me how capitalism divides the working class immigrant populations and created the gangs.
I hope to take these experiences to help struggle with my family who have these ideas. I hope I can show them CHALLENGE and move them in the right direction. I am excited to attend next year’s summer project.

In Cuba, I Organized to Defend Revolution
I am a communist and was raised in Cuba.  I was four years old at the triumph of the revolution. I was raised during a period when socialism was being built in a country where the communist party led this process.  I was a member of the communist youth and was involved in the revolutionary process until the collapse of the old communist movement due to all the mistakes made building socialism to get to communism.  
Yet, in Cuba mass organizations were created, most of the people were in these organizations.  For example, the Committees to Defend the Revolution, where people organized against imperialist attacks.  Through these committees we would volunteer to take care of the properties on the block, we wouldn’t let any felon do their misdeeds.  
Before becoming law, all bills were discussed in the Peoples’ Power Assemblies and through out the country in mass organizations such as: Federación De Mujeres Cubanas, Federación Estudiantil Universitaria, Federación Estudiantil De La Enseñanza Media And Central De Trabajadores De Cuba.  After discussing the bills, adding or deleting something, after the changes the masses demanded were made, finally those bills were approved by the National Assembly.
The revolutionary committees and other organizations organized the different actions, amongst which was the mass agricultural mobilizations to plant and harvest the different products needed.  

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