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Letters of June 3

May Day Reflections

The following letters are reflections of students and workers from a community college in the Bronx, NY who attended May Day on May 2.

“Same struggle, same fight. Workers of the world unite!” was one of the many slogans chanted throughout Flatbush, Brooklyn at the May Day march. This was the first time I have ever been a part of something like this. It was the first time I had ever been in a march at all. As we made our way through the streets, making our presence known and our voices heard, the way the community reacted to us was a very moving experience. People came out from the shops to see what was happening. Those already outside stopped what they were doing. Those inside their apartments sat at their windows looking at us.
It was a beautiful thing to see. While they might have not been marching with us physically, for that moment that we passed by them, there was no denying they were in solidarity with us. People started chanting.  There were also people who joined us along the way. The community’s reaction made me realize that this was one of the reasons why people marched.  It was a way of letting people know that they are not alone in their struggle; we are all part of the same working class. And if we come together, our voices grow louder.   
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I was very impressed that the organizers of the march appeared to be almost all young people. In our society, we are taught that youth cannot be relied on, that they’re selfish and egotistical. It was refreshing to see a very good example of how this capitalist idea is wrong. I have confidence not only that young people can organize and lead a march, but also they can organize and lead the entire working class in the fight against capitalism.
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As a college student, I admired the fact that the march was so organized. The previous marches that I have been to were part of a spur-of-the-moment type of action. This march had a chance to gather more of a crowd. The march was official and it stood for everything I believe in. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I plan on going to more functions.
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I am a college student from the Bronx and I felt that this march was very inspirational. Also, this was my first march so things were rather new to me. I liked that people who were not in the march took the time to listen to us. Some chanted along with us and some even joined. That just shows that we are inspiring and can move people. If I weren’t a part of the march, I would have wanted to join and would have asked many questions. This was a fun and educational experience and it would be nice to be a part of more to come.
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I am not a communist but I still attended a march organized by the Progressive Labor Party. While I did keep my mouth shut for chants praising communism, there were plenty of chants that I raised my voice for. I screamed for calls against the police, war, and the politicians. Even though I want a different form of government, I respect the values of the PLP. This Party fights for the working class, racial and gender equality, and many more liberal causes. I definitely have no problem turning up with the PLP.
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 I was on the march on Saturday and I was surprised to see how organized it was. It was my first march so I didn’t know what to expect. It was good to see how there were people of different ethnicities, genders, and ages. Everybody united for the purpose of ending racism, police brutality, sexism, and other things. Even though the issues were serious, the atmosphere was welcoming. I really enjoyed it and would definitely do it again.
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I especially enjoyed May Day this year because of the historical continuity of the march. Going to different parts of Brooklyn and hearing about different cases of police brutality was a great move and should be done more often.

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