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Letters of September 17

From Haiti to Mexico:
Solidarity with Ferguson Rebellion

Comrades of Ferguson, listen to this voice, this clarion call ringing loudly from the other side of the ocean, traveling a thousand miles from Haiti to reach you. This voice, coming from the victims of all sorts of prejudice, racist discrimination and racist violence, is not a voice of resignation. Just the opposite, this voice is a call for a continual struggle against all kinds of apartheid, discrimination, social exclusion, anti-Semitism, racism and sexism. This voice is a call for real liberation, for the well-being of our class, against all sorts of inequalities, exploitation, slavery and alienation.
We are reinforcing your voices which denounce racist violence committed against Michael Brown and others, and to call you to class struggle. When we say class struggle, we mean those struggles against the ruling class; struggles by workers, students, unemployed and soldiers — the working class — which fights against exploitation and neo-colonialism. We say that this fight is especially against racism, one of the pillars of the capitalist system. The bosses use racism to divide the working class and to make superprofits; therefore, the fight against racism unites the working class and makes it stronger in its fight against the bosses and their rotten, barbaric, war-mongering system.
All the way from Haiti, we hear and understand what your struggle is all about. Just like in Ferguson (and elsewhere), the criminal cops — we call them the “legal bandits” (which includes all the politicians, rulers and big bosses who control the system), kill innocents in working-class neighborhoods, massacre youth, the children of workers and peasants.
In Nov. 2011, the police were implicated in the disappearance of a student at the University of Human and Social Sciences, located in another working class neighborhood in Port-au-Prince. On Nov. 10, 2012, a cop killed a student in the courtyard of his university law school campus. During the demonstrations demanding justice, another youth was assassinated by the very same police, and then accused of stealing, just as the police of Ferguson are trying to do to Michael Brown. In Oct.-Nov. 2013, another student dodged a grenade thrown by the police — in a military show of force like you saw in Ferguson — inside his university campus; this young comrade lost his hand in the ensuing explosion. This grenade, by the way, was provided to the Haitian police by their masters in the United States, just as the U.S. military has been arming local police forces as if they were at war against the U.S. working class and students.
In Haiti, the cops, minions of the bosses, and MINUSTAH (occupation army sent by the U.N.) terrorize students and residents of working-class neighborhoods on a daily basis. However, we are never going to let fear or resignation get the best of us. Every day we confront the violence of this system. We will never lower our arms. We believe in and we fight for the victory of the working class for real justice and real freedom.
In the U.S., you have known a long fight against racism. We know that what happened in Ferguson resonated with old tensions. You have fought against segregation and for jobs, and you have to keep up this struggle. You must know that equality and liberty are not possible without well-being. That is, we need and have a right to real jobs and decent wages, with adequate healthcare and education, with affordable housing and the right to live in safety. But we have to fight for these things because we know by experience that those who control this system will not give them of their own free will.
We have to organize to fight against the crime of unemployment, against the exploitation of the workers by the bosses, against capitalist exploitation and abuse of natural resources, against wars to protect the profits of the bosses, and against the apartheid and racism that exists everywhere in the world. We are a single class. Let us unite against all the atrocities committed for the benefit of the few throughout the world, against the inhumanity and savagery and cruelty of the capitalist system. To fight against capitalism is to fight against inequality.
You are not alone in facing off against the violence of this system. We, the students and youth of Haiti, stand with you in your struggle. And in resisting, in rebelling, and in organizing, we will win. Shout along with us, “To the final victory!” Only a revolutionary struggle can lead to real victory for our class. Let us unite, let us commit ourselves so that Michael Brown is the last victim of this racist system.
Comrades in Haiti

Members and friends of Progressive Labor Party (PLP) in Mexico condemn the racist murder of our class brother, the young Michael Brown. We applaud the rebellion of Ferguson workers to demand justice, and we call on them to fight in the long run for a communist revolution to destroy the capitalist system that creates racism and is incapable of providing justice for the working class.
The murder of Michael Brown has its origin in racism, one of capitalism’s ideological pillars. The bosses promote racist ideas through its culture, its education, and its mass media; their cops put it in practice systematically repressing and murdering working-class black and Latin workers. Racist ideas and practices terrorize and divide the working class, and in addition, by justifying lower wages for black and Latin workers produce huge profits for the bosses.
Racism won’t end or diminish under capitalism; on the contrary, we expect racist attacks to continue and sharpen as the economic crises deepen and inter-imperialist rivalry becomes more violent. We must confront these racist attacks like they did in Ferguson, with our fist up! But mostly, we must commit to the struggle for a communist society where racism is abolished. This is PLP’s worldwide objective. Join us! Honor Michael and all the other youth terrorized and murdered by capitalism. Fight for communism!
Comrades in Mexico

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