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Letters of November 27

Youth Inspired at PL Campus Conference


I’ve always known I was against capitalism; up until recently I didn’t know there was an alternative. I’m grateful to have learned I am not the only one who thinks this way. I’m guilty of accepting the capitalist opinions and views of what communism means. I am excited to have begun my journey in learning the truth. Destroy capitalism before it destroys us!
I’ve noticed this illusion of powerlessness being promoted amongst today’s youth. I want to expose this illusion. I think that’s one step toward revolution.
I must say this conference was the proper jolt of political discussion I needed. When I came for the last day and walked through the doors, it was almost like entering a new world. One where I can truly discuss with like-minded, truly progressive individuals, the dangers of capitalism — its racist, sexist vices. I thoroughly enjoyed these talks, where we cut through lies about what this world is and what it can become. It’s a shame I will have to depart the conference and return to a world where garbage like Kim Kardashians are regularly promoted and discussed. But at least I was able to escape that reality briefly. And one day, maybe I will for good!  
This conference was pretty dope [awesome]. We got into small groups. We ended up just discussing and sharing our ideas, learning from each other and bonding. I look forward to attending these events for years to come.  
Today I actually learned a lot of things. I learned how imperialism is related to sexism. We criticized it. I also liked the Langston Hughes poem.
This conference was amazing. I never thought about communism till today and how capitalism affects us every day.
The PLP college conference was excellent in that the students organized, planned, and led the workshops. The student leaders of my workshop were well prepared, articulate, and very enthusiastic. The materials and workshops were well designed. The opening keynote speech was excellent and should be printed. There should be more students! This was the main weakness. I was able to bring only one student. It was not enough.
Excellent organization of the conference! Inspiring leadership, especially to see the development of a new generation of young leaders. One of the strengths of Party events, including this conference, was the practice of collectivity, the valuing of and contribution of experiences from all types of people. Young and old, women and men, black and white and Latino and Asian participants, U.S.-born and immigrant participants, student and faculty — together we were able to go deeper in analyzing experience and the world.
I left here with a new appreciation — a reminder actually — that building close personal ties is political. I also was inspired to see so many young people with such a deep understanding of the contradictions of capitalism and belief in communism.
As is the case with every Progressive Labor Party event I’ve attended as a student, every conversation we have is a learning experience and the collaboration between everyone in the Party really gives you hope for a better future.  When you look out to the crowd of people at any one of PLP’s events you see how we can start to end the horrible discrimination that is present under capitalism. Black, white, Latino, Asian, old young, men and women all working together; egalitarianism is more than possible, I see it every day in the Party and I definitely saw it this past weekend at the New York City College conference.
Learning and participating in conversations about things that effect not only students but ultimately
everyone, all of us left with a plan on how we’re going to fight against racism, sexism, and militarization when we go back to our schools. As I left the workshops I felt inspired and I knew that we weren’t just talking but that we were going to make real change, and really that’s the whole point, isn’t it?
New faces. Good conversation with lots of struggle. Some older faces still struggling with communist ideas, inching closer to joining the Party. Lot of good questions from people totally new to communism to people who have been thinking about communism for a while. Good responses from a variety of comrades, though some a little too wordy.
Reform is still pervasive. We got to be in it to win it, but winning is communism. Let’s sharpen the fight to make revolution primary.
It was an enlivening and inspiring experience. It was great to see many young comrades share not only their anger toward the present system but also their hope/desire to see a new world, a communist world, come into being. It is very easy to get caught up in our own problems; although these problems are not nothing (what with the current crisis of capitalism!). It is great to interact with other working people who share your plight — and your hopes for a future devoid of war, racism, borders, classes, etc. All in all, I am leaving the conference extremely satisfied, and already looking forward to the next one!
It was a good experience to hear different ideas and different viewpoints on racism and sexism. I was glad to learn more about PLP and find out how to fight the system.
The general line of the Party lives in the particular thoughts and actions of our members and our friends. This conference brought me together with many young comrades and many more students just looking into communism and PLP. This was profoundly refreshing and enriching to my own understanding of our line. Our future is in capable hands.
This conference was successful in my point of view. When working in a group of diverse characters, you tend to learn multiple points on a specific subject. Each individual idea comes together to give you a collective understanding and a broader picture. In each workshop, every group member raised arguable questions and provided details to support their case. It was helpful listening and discussing with everyone, in the sense of it providing more information and a clearer understanding of communism and PLP’s goals. I would encourage more people to attend every conference!
The Saturday morning opening session included a great poem “The Same,” by Langston Hughes, written during his best days of commitment to communism. I was pleased and inspired by the passion and political astuteness of the keynote speech by our Party’s leader of college student organizing, a position she should really stick with for at least five more years, preferably ten — to nurture the growth of many more communist campus organizers.
In the workshops, as everywhere, we learn from experience, and some of our first-time workshop leaders will undoubtedly know how to better engage all participants, especially those who are new or shy. We should work harder to win young people and their parents to seeing the importance of building the communist movement because they believe it’s important to do so. 

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