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Letters of March 28

Communist School Inspires Many to Build PLP


On the weekend of February 24-26, more than 50 high school and college teachers and students came together for a Progressive Labor Party communist school in the New York City area. From veteran comrades to new friends of the Party, they discussed questions of communism and racism, sexism, religion, and nationalism, and what the Party’s tasks should be in a period of rising fascism. The school’s collectivity strengthened ties among those attending and also served as a model for the kind of communist society we are struggling to achieve.


This winter retreat has been nice. I think that I am identifying more with PLP. There are aspects of it that I yet don’t know exactly how I feel. For the most part, however, I think I can consider myself a communist. I still have questions about how the law would work on those who may disagree with decisions of the collective, once we achieve communism or are in the process of achieving it. Religion is another issue that bugs me. I am spiritual and don’t see spirituality (a belief that a greater energy surrounds us and also lives inside of us) as the enemy. My conclusion is that (I think) I am now a PLP member. Therefore, from today on I will see myself as a communist.


This was my first time participating in a communist school. The most inspiring part of it was everyone working together to work, clean, play, and mingle in the political and the personal. Having a communist retreat made me more confident in actually building for communism.

One thing I struggled with is realizing that building for communism isn’t just about being part of class struggle. While that is important, it also means building long-term relationships with our coworkers.

For May Day, I plan to show CHALLENGE to more of my classmates and to try to have an active presence on campus. 


GO!!!!! COMMUNISM!!!!!


Throughout the winter retreat of 2012, I can say I have learned much more about the values of the PLP, which are admirable in my opinion, despite my not being a member. 

The meetings held over the weekend were all fruitful for us highlighting some of the fundamental flaws within capitalism and the current regime within the U.S. And how we can struggle against the imposition of racism and sexism and all forms of oppression through constantly engaging others and organizing to spread the word of Revolution.


There have been some good discussions in the groups, with many good points made. There were agreements and disagreements. There were two discussions that really caught my attention. One was about the question: Why is communism anti-religion? It was said that the bosses (capitalists) take advantage and use religion against us. They use it as a tool to separate the working class. And communists are anti-religion because we’re pro-unity. If the situation has anything to do with separation of the working class, then we disagree 100 percent. The other question was: What can we do individually before May Day? The main answer was to tell people about communism and how it’s not a bad thing. It’s not what others make it out to be. And tell them what we fight for. And if they agree, we invite them to May Day. The discussions in the groups were very interesting. 


I attended my first PLP communist School this weekend, and as someone who isn’t very well-informed I found it to be a great way for me to get comfortable enough to ask questions and learn things. I had a difficult time understanding how communism could actually work because I feel that a lot of people would not agree with eliminating wages. After spending time with the rest of the people, I felt comfortable enough to raise my concern. While explaining myself, I came to the realization that I actually do think that it is possible to eliminate wages. I think that it’s necessary for time to be spent together to discuss and make newcomers comfortable enough to voice their opinions and ask questions. 


A lot of issues were discussed over this weekend, including youth unemployment. I knew that youth unemployment was “bad” before the statistics were given, but when they were, they really put it in perspective. I learned that black youth unemployment is 50 percent in the United States. This demonstrates the blatant racism that takes place here. Unemployment is a particular interest of mine as I am currently unemployed. The only option I had when I couldn’t find a job was to go back to school and try to “weather” the economic recession. Many workers are not as lucky as I am to be able to go to school. Their only option was another topic that was discussed: the economic draft into the military. Capitalism needs the unemployed. There aren’t enough jobs for everyone. We need to work with all workers to form a communist society where all people will work.


In the school I was able to actually envision a communist future. In my group setting we learned about the pros and cons of communism and how we can make our movement stronger. This cadre school has made me a better debater, and most importantly a better student, one who can work collectively with others. It was an extremely positive experience, where we were able to remove ourselves from the capitalistic mindset and live communistically for a weekend. We worked together to get jobs done and struggled together in discussion groups to sharpen our line.


1. What we did for this weekend was great. But I think we should have more activities. We did nothing or almost nothing other than cooking together and cleaning, playing at night and having discussions. I think we should have more activities in a sense to make us feel connected and for enjoyment, too.

2. I disagree with this concept of “We must fight religion.” This is the biggest problem that I have with PLP. Communism in itself is about equality in essence, Christ was for equality and I don’t think any of those religions say that a group should take a larger piece of the pie and let others suffer over the last slice. 

Religion is about belief and they don’t oppress anyone who doesn’t want to join them. 

We should fight oppression and inequality, but not differences in belief or diversity among people.

3. I really like what PLP fights for, and I encourage them to continue in this way. I would like to support them from the bottom of my heart, but I don’t feel ready yet to join it. I love what you’re doing. All my blessings.


I am new to the Northeast. I am of U.S. citizenship and of Mexican descent. Within two months in the area, I have found myself in the midst of a group of people who know the right way to change this planet, improve people’s lives, and evolve humanity into the next plateau of existence. A group of people that fights for unity, coexistence, collectivity, singularity and progression. A group of people that fights for communism. 

Somewhere along my life, the spark of communism was lit within me. It would have been my family’s role in the world, my observations of modern society, capitalism and its byproducts or maybe my relationship with the universe/infinity/god. Regardless, my ideals and thoughts on this future are the same as the Party’s. I am glad my faith in the progression of sentient life has brought me to this time and place, and I am given the chance to fight for a better tomorrow, be it for us, our children or our descendants.

I only have one suggestion that might actually be impractical. Through discussion with the Party, I have reached a better understanding of its stands on specific topics under our ideal state of communism. However, in CHALLENGE, I feel that more specific statements should be made by the Party on topics such as individual rights, responsibilities and freedoms. 

Thank you for showing me that the path I dream of is being worked by others like me. I look forward to our comradeship.


I continue to struggle with the idea that violence must come with the goal of communism. Also, the idea of fighting for something that I might not see in my lifetime. However, I appreciate talking with a large group of people who want to fight for a better world. 

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