
 Progressive Labor Party on Race & Racism



Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism.

Only the dictatorship of the working class — communism — can provide a lasting solution to the disaster that is today’s world for billions of people. This cannot be done through electoral politics, but requires a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army led by PLP.

Worldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism, poverty, disease, starvation and environmental destruction. The capitalist class, through its state power — governments, armies, police, schools and culture —  maintains a dictatorship over the world’s workers. The capitalist dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism, individualism and religion.

While the bosses and their mouthpieces claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism returned to Russia and China because socialism retained many aspects of the profit system, like wages and privileges. Russia and China did not establish communism.

Communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society. We will abolish work for wages, money and profits. Everyone will share in society’s benefits and burdens. 

Communism means abolishing racism and the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to super-exploit black, Latino, Asian and indigenous workers, and to divide the entire working class.

Communism means abolishing the special oppression of women — sexism — and divisive gender roles created by the class society.

Communism means abolishing nations and nationalism. One international working class, one world, one Party.

Communism means that the minds of millions of workers must become free from religion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph when the masses of workers can use the science of dialectical materialism to understand, analyze and change the world to meet their needs and aspirations.

  Communism means the Party leads every aspect of society. For this to work, millions of workers — eventually everyone — must become communist organizers. Join Us!



Cuentos de la Revolución Cultural No Policias, No Crimen

Occidente caracteriza a China como un estado policial. Y es verdad, hubo un gran aumento en el número de policías después de las reformas económicas de Deng Xiaoping al principio de los 80, y mucho más aun después de 1989, cuando el gobierno capitalista de estado aplastó brutalmente al movimiento de masas “pro democracia” en la Plaza Tiananmen. De hecho, se podría decir que la presencia policial en China ha crecido en proporción al desarrollo del país como gran potencia capitalista.
Pero hubo un tiempo en que la presencia de la policía China era casi inexistente, específicamente durante la Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria. Curiosamente, con menos policías, había menos crímenes. Cuando no había policías, no había crímenes. Con una comunidad fuerte y organizada, no hay necesidad ni lugar para la policía en la sociedad.
Durante la Revolución Cultural, había cerca de un millón de personas en mi condado, pero sólo alrededor de treinta oficiales de la policía. Nuestra Comuna de Chengguan incluía cincuenta villas, muchas fábricas, y negocios en las más grandes ciudades del condado. Pero la central de la comuna tenía sólo cinco oficiales de la policía.
Durante este tiempo había cerca de 1,000 personas en mi villa. En la escuela intermedia, mis compañeros venían de siete villas aledañas. En la secundaria estaban representadas todas las cincuenta villas de la comunidad y muchas de las empresas estatales. Durante los diez años de la Revolución Cultural, nunca supe de ninguna actividad criminal en mi villa o en ninguna de las villas aledañas.
Ciertamente, hubo “crímenes”, pero el gobierno de la villa se negó a tratarlos como tales. Los líderes de la villa nunca llamaron a la policía para las investigaciones; nunca castigaron a las personas involucradas como criminales. A través de la mediación, las críticas públicas y la compensación económica, las villas se ocuparon de estos casos sin enviar a nadie a la cárcel. Me acuerdo de cuatro casos que ilustran como nuestras comunidades rurales se ocupaban del crimen. Era superior a cualquier otro modelo que he visto desde entonces.       

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The Purge: Anarchy Revenge Isn’t Enough — Workers Need Revolution!

This summer the Progressive Labor Party concentrated efforts to fight anti-immigrant racism and build communism in the cities of Los Angeles and nearby Murrieta. As we drove through LA, billboards advertising the newly released movie The Purge: Anarchy loomed overhead “United We Purge” read one billboard featuring a black youth in frightening make-up reminiscent of the anarchistic Joker in The Dark Knight.
The Purge: Anarchy is the sequel to last summer’s The Purge. Set in near future Los Angeles, the Federal government, under a group called the New Founding Fathers, has been granted unlimited power in order to bring stability to a crisis-ridden system. An epidemic of crime and unemployment has been reduced to nearly zero due to a national “purge” holiday. One night a year citizens are permitted to commit all crimes, including murder, in order to blow off pent-up violent urges and remove otherwise unemployed portions of the

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How does one explain the glee of the Israeli leaders in murdering over 1200 Gazans and the reported 87% popular support for the slaughter of innocents and children?

The necessary and underlying reason for popular support is the virulent racism with which Israelis are injected from the cradle. Arabs are portrayed as inherently violent and anti-Semitic, with no higher goal than to annihilate Jews.  Anti-Jewish racism is seen to be different from all other forms of racism, one that cannot be eradicated, and that can only be responded to by killing as many non-Jews as possible. Although 7-800.000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes in 1948 and 5.5 million have been imprisoned in the occupied territories for 47 years, any resistance is seen by Israelis and their allies as terrorist and unwarranted. 

From the rulers’ perspective, the reasoning is much more sinister. Israel has been supported by Western Imperialists from the outset, first Britain and then the US. Since the Middle East became the major source of oil, the West has needed Israel as its bully to keep neighboring states in line. The US gives Israel $3.15 billion in aid a year, more than to any other country. Now, however, a new alliance has formed. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and Israel are secretly meeting to plan and finance the current attack on Gaza, with a goal of the total annihilation of Hamas at whatever cost.  Then they will cooperate with the Palestinian Authority to set up a new government in Gaza. (See www.middleeastmonitor.com, 7/25/14) As in the West Bank, this new government will cooperate with Israel, making deals to share the huge gas reserves under Gaza and keep the population in line. After the destruction of Hamas, Israel and its new allies may well move on to an attack on Iran and ISIS

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Gaza, Ukraine: Flashpoints for Bosses’ Oil Wars

As capitalist bosses move toward a hotter and broader global war, they are slaughtering thousands of workers in Gaza and Ukraine. Energy supplies are the short-term prize. But ultimately, control of the Middle East and all of Europe hangs in the balance.
Over the 400-year history of capitalism, war has been a constant. It is also a future inevitability. It’s the one way the bosses can settle their competition to dominate the world’s resources and to exploit the world’s workers, who create the rulers’ profits.

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PL Summer Project Emboldens Fight for Migrant Youth

LOS ANGELES, July 25 — “Death, Death, Death to the Racists! Power, Power, Power to the Workers!” Progressive Labor Party took this chant to the streets of Murrieta on July 13, inspiring workers to stand up for migrant youth. The marches against racism were the acme of this year’s Summer Project here. Anti-immigrant racism became the focal point of our fightback. PLP has been strengthened in numbers and quality, particularly in the area of young leadership.

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Beat Back Bosses’ Attack, Need to Smash Entire System

PHILADELPHIA, June 30 — This afternoon about 175 retired and working Local 1199C union hospital workers gathered at the union hall to see if the Jefferson Hospital bosses would retreat on taking health benefits from retirees and part-time workers. Over 50 retirees were called to the union hall at the last minute and hoped to confront the Jefferson negotiators. The negotiators never came, and to our cheers, the announcement came that Jefferson had backed down and an agreement had been reached! As the hospital day-shifts ended in waves, the hall filled with a mixture of working and retired union members full of anger, determination, solidarity and comradeship.

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From New York City to Tel Aviv: Blast Israeli Genocide in Gaza

Tel Aviv, July 12 — Hundreds of antiwar workers, including members of Progressive Labor Party, protested in Habima Square against the mass bloodshed in Gaza. This fight between bosses props up all rulers. The Israeli capitalists have united many workers behind them in nationalistic and racist fervor; the Hamas heads claim to be fighting a “resistance” war against Zionism while robbing the Gazan population blind. The bosses get rich and powerful while workers, especially those in Palestine die.

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Eric Garner – Murdered by the KKKops!

Staten Island, NY July 19 — Youth, workers and residents here have been gathering for vigils, rallies and demonstrations to express their outrage over the July 24 racist killing of a 43-year-old black worker, Eric Garner.
Known as a “gentle giant,” Eric’s nickname was Nice. If you needed something and didn’t have the money, he would help you. Eric sold single cigarettes to try to get by, but wasn’t selling them at the time of his murder. After trying to break up a fight between two other people, he was choked to death by one cop as several others held him down. Unfortunately for the working class, this is not unusual. Unfortunately for the cops, there was indisputable evidence of this particular brutal attack. The soundtrack of Eric Garner saying, “I can’t breathe” over and over can be heard on a video from the scene, recorded by an antiracist young man. The next day, a second video documented the failure of the cops or EMTs to try to help the victim for nearly seven minutes after he stopped responding.

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Persist in Fight vs. Racist Killer Cops

Brooklyn, NY, July 21 — Outside Brooklyn Criminal Courts Building at 120 Schermerhorn Street, a mother still grieving for her daughter after a year, faced off against three court cops who told her she had to move her car away from the front of the courthouse.
“No parking,” one of them said. He wore three stripes. The mother’s voice, breaking but angry, said, “You killed my daughter in this building. Why aren’t you examining that and not me parking my car?” Her car had a large banner of Kyam Livingston’s photo surrounded by the dates of her birth and death. “Go inside and send out the captain. I’ll talk to him,” the mother said. The officers retreated.

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Link Racist Killings to Capitalism

“I personally don’t think that race was a factor in the incident involved in this tragic death” (AM News) said NYC police commissioner Bill Bratton, referring to the murder of Eric Garner, a black father and grandfather.
Racism is so intricately woven within the fabric of capitalism that the untrained eye could easily overlook its repeating patterns as merely loose stitches within the system or within flawed individuals.
The murder of Eric Garner, like the attacks on thousands of working-class black and Latin workers and youth in the U.S., is in fact racist, not only because cop Daniel Pantaleo was white (Shantel Davis’s murderer was a black cop); it is racist because police are trained to target poor working-class neighborhoods, where the population is predominately black and Latin.

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