
 Progressive Labor Party on Race & Racism



Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism.

Only the dictatorship of the working class — communism — can provide a lasting solution to the disaster that is today’s world for billions of people. This cannot be done through electoral politics, but requires a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army led by PLP.

Worldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism, poverty, disease, starvation and environmental destruction. The capitalist class, through its state power — governments, armies, police, schools and culture —  maintains a dictatorship over the world’s workers. The capitalist dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism, individualism and religion.

While the bosses and their mouthpieces claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism returned to Russia and China because socialism retained many aspects of the profit system, like wages and privileges. Russia and China did not establish communism.

Communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society. We will abolish work for wages, money and profits. Everyone will share in society’s benefits and burdens. 

Communism means abolishing racism and the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to super-exploit black, Latino, Asian and indigenous workers, and to divide the entire working class.

Communism means abolishing the special oppression of women — sexism — and divisive gender roles created by the class society.

Communism means abolishing nations and nationalism. One international working class, one world, one Party.

Communism means that the minds of millions of workers must become free from religion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph when the masses of workers can use the science of dialectical materialism to understand, analyze and change the world to meet their needs and aspirations.

  Communism means the Party leads every aspect of society. For this to work, millions of workers — eventually everyone — must become communist organizers. Join Us!


Entries by Challenge_Desafío (2267)


Letter: 33,000 Strike Against Israeli State

ISRAEL-PALESTINE, September 16 — The Zionist government continues its racism against the 20 percent Palestinian minority within the state. According to Minister of Education Naftali Bennett, the new school year in Israel began on September 1 in an orderly fashion. The 33,000 Palestinian-Israeli students on strike since the first day of school disagree! These students attend 47 “community schools” administered by a private Christian church whose existence precedes Israel’s itself. The schools teach students of all religions and employ teachers of all sectors as well.

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Tanzania: Albino Workers Murdered for Profit

Albinos workers are being mutilated in Tanzania (76 since 2007), and their body parts sold to witch doctors.  Men are raping albino women to cure themselves of HIV-AIDS.  Who bears the blame for these atrocities? So-called “human nature”? The ignorance and superstition of the masses?  Corrupt Tanzanian government officials?  Profiteers—the witchdoctors and middlemen who abduct, mutilate, and kill?
Knowing who or what to blame leads us to the solution.  The international Progressive Labor Party lays the blame squarely on imperialism, the competition among capitalist bosses that keeps the working class mired in ignorance, misery and desperation. Capitalism has transformed the centuries-old discrimination against albino workers into a profit-inspired atrocity.  Only by destroying this system can we liberate our class from the rule of profit and build a truly humane society: communism.

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Straight Outta Capitalism

“We aren’t pro-violence, our music reflects the reality we live in,” the actor portraying O’Shea “Ice Cube” Jackson says in one scene to a journalist in the recently released film Straight Outta Compton. He continues, “I thought we were here to talk about Rodney King...you can’t treat people like that and not expect them to rise up.”
Racist police terror, from the everyday harassment of the Black youth living in South Central Los Angeles to the 1992 rebellions against the savage police beating of Rodney King, frame the rap group NWA utilized to make their music. Straight Outta Compton follows the rise of Dr. Dre, Ice Cube and Eazy-E. It is a piece of capitalist garbage that dodges every opportunity to confront racism, even though racism pervades almost every scene of the film. Which makes sense, because the present-day multi-millionaire capitalists Dr. Dre, Ice Cube and Eazy’s widow were all producers of this movie, and owe their vast fortunes to being part of the very dictatorship of capitalism their music pretends to rebel against.

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Abolish Wage Slavery

NEW YORK CITY, September 16 — Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Fast Food Wage Board recently recommended that the state’s minimum wage for fast food workers be raised to $15 per hour. The decision is a big victory for the Fight for Fifteen movement (FF15). But we cannot be fooled. This is a victory not for the working class, but for the liberal bosses.

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Toby Schwartz: Communist for Life

The life of Toby “Teddy” Schwartz (1928-2015) reads like a handbook for communists. He was a beloved family member, friend, and comrade. Toby helped to build the Progressive Labor Party and modeled how to win people to its ideas and to organize campaigns of class struggle.
Fighter from the Get-Go
Toby was raised in an immigrant family committed to fighting for workers and social justice. His mother was a seamstress and International Ladies Garment Workers Union organizer, his uncle a Bolshevik. From a young age, Toby committed himself to fighting against capitalism and racism.

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Bus transportation leaves Baltimore at 6:45AM sharp from 33rd Street YMCA lot.


 NYC: Nostrand & Flatbush junction (2 to Brooklyn College) at 11 AM this Saturday, May 2

First Ferguson. Now Baltimore. It was a rebellion. Not a riot. Politicians, preachers, cops and the media all labeled the militant youth everything but what they are — rebels that have lead a powerful and inspiring uprising. On the whole, the youth targeted the racist bosses and their goons.

The anti-racist rebellion shows us that when push comes to shove, the racist police are no match for a united and fighting working class. Youth are fighting against tear gas, The National Guard, and over 7,000 kkkops, all while defying the orders of the mayor and other capitalist officials. We have a lot to learn from them.

The cold-blooded racist police murder of Freddie Gray was not an isolated event; the cops killed him, and continue to target Black workers and youth because the vicious racist ruling class needs to terrorize us into accepting a future of poverty and imperialist war. We refuse to accept it!

We don’t accept a life where being Black means you can be gunned down at any moment with little to no consequence. We don’t accept a system where the lives of Tyrone West, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Shantel Davis, Kyam Livingston, Kimani Gray, and Ramarley Graham mean nothing to these killer kkkops! There are too many names! This system doesn’t deserve to exist! The bosses call for “bringing order” and “life back to normal.” This “normal” is racism in our schools, in hospitals, and in the streets! A rebellion was long coming! To anti-racists everywhere — protest in solidarity with the rebellion started in Baltimore at your schools, at work, in your churches, unions, and in your neighborhoods.

The rebels broke capitalist laws, the same laws that protect mass murderers that are responsible for millions of deaths from racist profit wars, global drug cartels, mass poverty, and unemployment. These gangsters in suits walk free, run businesses, command armies, and hold government power. The ruling class tries to paint Blacks, Latinos and the immigrant working-class as criminals. The real criminal is this racist system. The bosses close hospitals, schools, and keep people unemployed. They also murder workers and children in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan for oil.

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Bus transportation leaves Baltimore at 6:45AM sharp from 33rd Street YMCA lot.

Cost:  $25 for workers  –  $10 for students and unemployed

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We are here today for Freddie Gray and for all victims of police brutality, including Tyrone West – unarmed and beaten to death by 11 to 15 racist cops in July of 2013.  To this day, none of those cops have had any charges pressed against them. They’re still on the force, on the streets.  A week-and-a-half before killing Tyrone West, two of the same cops severely beat Abdul Salaam, in his driveway in front of his child.  If those killer cops had been fired and put in cell blocks right away – as they should have been – Tyrone West would probably be alive today, together with his loving family!

Now, witnesses have described some of the details in the death of Freddie Gray, at the hands of Baltimore police. One witness, Kevin Moore, ran out of his home when he heard screaming, and saw Freddie Gray handcuffed and face down on the ground with one bicycle cop’s knee on his neck, and another cop bending Freddie’s legs backwards, so his heels were against his back.  Moore said his friend was “screaming for his life” and that the cops “had him folded up like he was a crab or a piece of origami.  He was all bent up.” Moore further explained that Freddie “said, ‘I can’t breathe. I need a pump,’ and they ignored him. . . The police yelled, ‘Stop resisting,’ but there was no resistance.  He couldn’t move.” 

After dragging Freddie into the police van, the van made three stops before reaching Western District station.  At the first of those stops, cops put leg irons on Freddie, and witnesses say the cops roughed him up, yet again, during that stop.  The thing we know for sure, is that Freddie’s death – while in police custody – is on the hands of the Baltimore Police Department.  These cops play a key role, part of the systemic racism of the criminal “justice” system. 

We seek to change the whole system. We don’t rely on elected officials or politicians or others in high places. Our power is generated by the activities of working people, enraged by the ongoing racist murders from Baltimore to Ferguson to Staten Island. When we chant “Fight like Ferguson,” we salute the leadership given by the mainly young, Black workers of Ferguson. They refused to back down in the face of a highly militarized police terror campaign, instituted to stop them from fighting back after the police murder of Mike Brown.  

In the case of Tyrone West, justice has been demanded from the City State’s Attorney, from the Mayor, from the Medical Examiners office, and from the State legislature – but not even a shred of justice has been found, after 21 months!  That fight will continue, and so will the struggle for justice for Freddie Gray!

But one thing is very clear. The only solution is communist revolution, and only through the Progressive Labor Party can we smash a system that doesn’t deserve to exist, and build a system for all working class people. One theme – strongly felt by the pained families of all those whose lives have been taken by police violence – is that we do not want to see this happen ever again to any more working-class young people.  We in the Progressive Labor Party stand with these families.  Join us on May Day!


Contact us at www.plp.org

or email us at revolution500@gmail.com


No Justice Under Capitalism

Michael Brown. Vonderrit Myers Jr. Shantel Davis. Kimani Gray. Roshad McIntosh. Eric Garner. Rhamarley Graham. Ezell Ford. Kyam Livingston. Reynaldo Cuevas. Tyrone West. Omar Abrego. Most recently the cops killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland and 28-year-old Akai Gurley in Brooklyn.

The racist police murders of our black and Latin youth will continue since the grand jury failed to indict Darren Wilson, butcher of Michael Brown. It’s evident that kkkop Wilson murdered Mike. That’s how capitalist justice works! Cops and bosses can get away with murder while the working class gets terrorized, deported, disappeared, starved, and killed — all legal under capitalism.


There are many demands: indictment, community policing, civilian complaint review boards, black and Latin cops, federal investigations. That’s like asking the fox to guard the henhouse! Going through the courts is a pacification method. The ruling class owns the courts, the cops, and congress: the whole state.

Police killings will continue because it’s profitable for the bosses. These increased killings are part of rising fascism: the capitalist system in crisis. It is becoming more evident that there is no future for our youth under capitalism, that we are living in a decaying system. So the bosses terrorize the working class into accepting a future of mass unemployment and wars. Expect more racist killings. Racism is the cutting edge of capital, producing superprofits for the bosses and a divided working class.

Rebellion Now!

The working class in Ferguson has shown another path to justice: rebellion. Led mostly by youth, the rebels have shown us all what’s possible when workers fight back! It’s time to stand up to the National Guard, tanks, tear gas and riot cops again. Defy Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama, who all rushed and will rush to put out the fire and keep racism going. Our class needs to follow the leadership of Ferguson and continue to fight. We call on everyone to carry on the fightback that at your schools, at work, in your churches, in your unions, and into the streets!

Capitalism is the Real Criminal

The ruling class tries to paint black, Latino and immigrant workers as criminals. In reality, it is the bosses who are the real criminals, closing hospitals and schools, as well as murdering workers and children in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. They got money for bombs and the military, but never for food and medicine.

Everywhere, capitalism kills: through ISIS and U.S. air strikes in the Middle East; Ebola in West Africa; the UN goons in Haiti. In Mexico, 43 students were disappeared after protesting against the state. Capitalism fails our sisters and brothers every day. What we need in response to this global crisis is a global communist revolution

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The cold-blooded racist police murders of Eric Garner and Michael Brown were not isolated events; the cops killed them, and continue to target black workers and youth because the vicious racist ruling class needs to terrorize us into accepting a future of poverty and imperialist war. We don’t accept it!

We don’t accept a life where being black means you can be gunned down at any moment with little to no consequence. We don’t accept a system where the lives of Shantel Davis, Kyam Livingston, Kimani Gray, Eric Garner, Rhamarley Graham, and Michael Brown mean nothing to these killer kkkops; this system doesn’t deserve to exist! We call on everyone to build support for the rebellion started in Ferguson, at your schools, at work, in your churches and in your unions.

The anti-racist rebellion in Ferguson shows us that when push comes to shove, the racist police are no match for a united and fighting working class. Lead mostly by unemployed youth, the rebels have basically foiled the Ferguson and St. Louis County police and the black State Police Captain; they broke the curfew and forced the Governor to call out the National Guard – showing us all what's possible when workers fight back! Not only did they stand up to tanks, tear gas and riot cops, but they defied Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama, who all rushed to put out the fire. We have a lot to learn from them.

Politicians, preachers, cops and the media all labeled the militant youth everything but what they are — they are rebels that lead a powerful uprising; they are not looters, rioters or misguided. On the whole the youth targeted the racist bosses and their goons.

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Ferguson: Communist Revolution only Solution

The anti-racist rebellion in Ferguson, sparked by the cold-blooded murder of 18-year old Michael Brown, shows that when push comes to shove, the racist police are no match for a united fighting working class. Led mostly by unemployed youth, the rebels have basically routed the Ferguson and St. Louis County police and the black State Police Captain, broke the curfew and forced the Governor to call in the National Guard. And they are still fighting back.

PLP members were warmly welcomed by the rebels, with about 250 of them receiving CHALLENGE newspaper. We are in touch with dozens of fighters, and sending more comrades to the scene.

Despite the racist news coverage, there has been almost no looting, with the rebels’ anger focused like a laser on the cops. And the more they fight back the rebels are receiving overwhelming support here and internationally.


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