
 Progressive Labor Party on Race & Racism



Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism.

Only the dictatorship of the working class — communism — can provide a lasting solution to the disaster that is today’s world for billions of people. This cannot be done through electoral politics, but requires a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army led by PLP.

Worldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism, poverty, disease, starvation and environmental destruction. The capitalist class, through its state power — governments, armies, police, schools and culture —  maintains a dictatorship over the world’s workers. The capitalist dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism, individualism and religion.

While the bosses and their mouthpieces claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism returned to Russia and China because socialism retained many aspects of the profit system, like wages and privileges. Russia and China did not establish communism.

Communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society. We will abolish work for wages, money and profits. Everyone will share in society’s benefits and burdens. 

Communism means abolishing racism and the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to super-exploit black, Latino, Asian and indigenous workers, and to divide the entire working class.

Communism means abolishing the special oppression of women — sexism — and divisive gender roles created by the class society.

Communism means abolishing nations and nationalism. One international working class, one world, one Party.

Communism means that the minds of millions of workers must become free from religion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph when the masses of workers can use the science of dialectical materialism to understand, analyze and change the world to meet their needs and aspirations.

  Communism means the Party leads every aspect of society. For this to work, millions of workers — eventually everyone — must become communist organizers. Join Us!


Entries by Challenge_Desafío (2267)


Protest Outside Liberty University During Trump’s First Commencement Speech

Lynchburg, Virginia, May 13—On May Day 2017, a young man from Lynchburg declared to the May Day marchers in Brooklyn, NY that Liberty University (LU), founded and led by the racist and conservatively religious Falwell family, would not be a “safe space” for President Donald Trump to give a commencement speech.
He was not just whistling Dixie! Over 200 protestors marched and chanted along Ward Road across from LU for four hours, condemning the president and the ruling class for their racist policies. “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA!” rang out as friends and members of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) from Maryland and Lynchburg joined others in the Seven Hills Progressive Society (SHPS) to challenge the racist U.S. president in a spirited rally.

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Preparing for Fight DC Transit Workers Disrupt Board Meeting

WASHINGTON, DC, May 17—As the deadline to sign a new contract loomed on April 27, members of Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) largest union rallied outside a meeting of the agency’s board to protest management’s failure to bargain in good faith and its aggressive attacks on worker rights.With an initial force of 200 picketers that swelled to 500 before the rally ended, Local 689 members, and two other unions that lent their support, chanted demands for respect and fair treatment while joining hands and surrounding the block-long building. Bold chants of “Whats do we want, respect!  When do we want it, now! If we don’t get it we’ll shut this system down” rang out.

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Fight to Stop Deportation of Carimer Adujar

Newark, NJ, May 9—“Ho ho, hey hey, Carimer is here to stay!”  “No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here!”  So chanted a multiracial crowd of 300 students, union members, church leaders, and community fighters in support of Carimer Andujar, a 21-year-old student at Rutgers University at risk of deportation.
Carimer had been summoned to appear at a hearing at the Federal Building before ICE (the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency) that might have resulted in her detainment and deportation.  At the age of 4, Carimer immigrated to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic along with her sister and mother, who was fleeing from domestic abuse.  Though Carimer is in the Obama-era DACA program (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), she was still vulnerable to being deported.
Carimer is a founder and current president of a campus organization called “UndocuRutgers,” a support group for students with DACA status; her being summoned before ICE was widely interpreted as an attempt at political intimidation.  But Carimer contacted the faculty union, the AAUP (American Association of University Professors).  The union spearheaded a spirited rally to defend Carimer outside the Federal office where the ICE hearing was held.  She rejoined the crowd after 2.5 hours and a five minute hearing, telling them that no further action was being taken in her case.  She thanked the crowd warmly for their support, saying that had they not been present the case might have turned out very differently.
The rally displayed both strengths and limitations.  
On the plus side: (1) The militancy of the crowd at the rally exemplified what “sanctuary” has to mean at this time.  While lots of cities and university campuses have designated themselves as “sanctuary” zones (that is safe areas for people in danger of deportation), this doesn’t necessarily mean anything when push comes to shove.  Rutgers President Robert Barchi, for instance, made a big deal of declaring Rutgers a “sanctuary” campus soon after the 2016 election, but he did not lift a finger to defend Carimer.  It was up to students and workers to take up her cause.  (2) The multiracial make-up of the crowd, and its rejection of racist immigrant-baiting, constitutes the kind of defense that is needed in these increasingly perilous times, when the ruling class is vigorously promoting racism and US nationalism.  (3) Some of the speakers were pretty radical!  One pastor of a church with many Indonesian members who have been detained and deported declared, “I am a man of God and am not supposed to hate anyone.  But I HATE the government symbolized by that [Federal] building!” (4) Members of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) distributed some 150 leaflets and copies of Challenge newspaper to the crowd.
On the negative side: (1) Only the PLP leaflet connected the attack on Carimer and the wave of attacks on undocumented immigrants with the larger crisis of capitalism and the designs of U.S. imperialism. PL’ers need to get more deeply involved in these pro sanctuary organizations and fight for a revolutionary, class based analysis that explains that it’s “the whole damn system” and a better world is possible.
 (2) While a few speakers alluded to the millions of deportations that occurred under the Obama regime—“This situation is nothing new”—in general the Democratic Party (DP) got a free pass by the organizers of the rally.  A number of prominent DP politicians sent their warm wishes to Carimer, even though they have done nothing to combat the wave of state terrorism against predominantly immigrant communities in New Jersey.
(3) Even the most militant speakers embraced U.S. nationalism, proclaiming the multiculturalist credo that immigrants have always “contributed” to “America” and are the source of its “greatness.” This kind of seemingly progressive patriotism is a sure loser for the working class.
So self critically, we need more PL members more deeply involved in the organizations that are defending NJ’s undocumented population from racist attacks.  We were not able to have a PLP speaker at this rally though we did speak at a small May Day rally on the Rutgers campus the week before. We were able to expose the hypocrisy of President Barchi’s inaction around and explained the need to abolish the capitalist system that is at the core of all social injustices.  But we need to get our revolutionary ideas out more often and in more places. We need to be more deeply involved in various NJ immigrants’ rights organizations; including those defending DACA youth. At the Federal building rally, PL was present only in our leaflets and newspapers. Our revolutionary class analysis would have made a big difference and would have been well received. You have to be in it to win it!



CHICAGO, IL— “What struck me about this movie – and don’t get me wrong, there is tons of good information about how they invented the whole ‘war on drugs’ thing just so they could lock people up and turn us into modern-day slaves – but still I was struck by how every inmate you saw in this film was black. I guess a lot of what we see on TV and movies shows that picture, but I remember looking around in prison and thinking, ‘Hey, where did all these white dudes come from?’”

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MAY DAY 2017


100 Days of Trump, U.S. Imperialist Order in Peril

One hundred days into the Donald Trump presidency, the bosses’ mouthpieces have rated it a failure by all measures. Trump’s health care bill “is a zombie. His border wall is stalled. He’s only now releasing basic principles of a tax plan. Even his executive order on immigration is tied up in the courts” (New York Times, 4/26).
Trump’s ineffectual and volatile administration heightens the insecurities of the finance capital, the U.S. bosses’ main wing: Citigroup, ExxonMobil, JPMorgan Chase. What the rulers call the Liberal Order (read: U.S. imperialist hegemony) is in danger.

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NEW YORK CITY—Over three hundred workers, students, friends, and comrades in the Progressive Labor Party rocked the streets of Flatbush this May Day. For three hours, the streets were brushed red, and the working class was boosted with confidence. Indeed, this world is ours to win, ours to safeguard; this working class is ours to serve, ours to lead.

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TEL AVIV—This Year’s May 1 fell on on the Israeli Independence Day, so various left groups, including the Histadrut union federation, held the May Day march on April 27. A few thousand participated, including the Progressive Labor Party (PLP).

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Stanford Admit Weekend Students Sit In, Demand Sanctuary for Undocumented

STANFORD, CA, April 27—A group of students staged a sit-in demanding sanctuary for undocumented students in front of hundreds of admitted students, families, and administrators during the main University Welcome event. About a dozen students walked onto stage with signs stating, “ICE is not welcome,” and sat down for an hour, chanting intermittently.
One parent yelled out, “Only legal immigrants are welcome here,” so the students chanted, “ALL immigrants are welcome here! No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here!” People from the audience joined in. Several later thanked them for their actions.

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CHICAGO—“Workers from Chicago to South Sudan to Mexico must unite to smash this capitalist system” were the closing words from a comrade who gave a speech at the Progressive Labor Party’s (PLP) rally for International Workers Day: May Day. It was a rainy and cold day in Chicago but that didn’t stop about 50 PLP members and friends from calling out capitalism for its destruction of the lives of working people. We chanted and distributed Challenge to workers walking by and in their cars. Some joined our chants as they passed, and many more honked in solidarity.  In this heavily Latin community, our call to smash deportations and fascism was especially well received

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