
 Progressive Labor Party on Race & Racism



Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism.

Only the dictatorship of the working class — communism — can provide a lasting solution to the disaster that is today’s world for billions of people. This cannot be done through electoral politics, but requires a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army led by PLP.

Worldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism, poverty, disease, starvation and environmental destruction. The capitalist class, through its state power — governments, armies, police, schools and culture —  maintains a dictatorship over the world’s workers. The capitalist dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism, individualism and religion.

While the bosses and their mouthpieces claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism returned to Russia and China because socialism retained many aspects of the profit system, like wages and privileges. Russia and China did not establish communism.

Communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society. We will abolish work for wages, money and profits. Everyone will share in society’s benefits and burdens. 

Communism means abolishing racism and the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to super-exploit black, Latino, Asian and indigenous workers, and to divide the entire working class.

Communism means abolishing the special oppression of women — sexism — and divisive gender roles created by the class society.

Communism means abolishing nations and nationalism. One international working class, one world, one Party.

Communism means that the minds of millions of workers must become free from religion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph when the masses of workers can use the science of dialectical materialism to understand, analyze and change the world to meet their needs and aspirations.

  Communism means the Party leads every aspect of society. For this to work, millions of workers — eventually everyone — must become communist organizers. Join Us!


Entries by Challenge_Desafío (2267)


‘Education for Liberation’ Conference Empowers Antiracist Students

NEW YORK CITY, March 17—Students led the Education for Liberation conference in a local college to discuss how to fight for workers’ power while getting educated in the bosses’ school system.  True to Progressive Labor Party’s commitment to youth-driven leadership, both teacher and student comrades led two workshops on the critical topics of racial integration inside schools and the concealed issue of the school-to-prison pipeline (STPP). With an emphasis on militant fight back against racial inequality as the best “therapy.” the conference succeeded in not only strengthening the political understanding of young comrades while also widening the number of workers who are now supportive of PLP’s fight for a better world (see below).

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International forum opposes imperialist war on Yemen

The highlight of the event was the testimony given by a number of young people who spoke of how the war impacted them. One famiy was stranded in a refugee camp, unable to come to the U.S. due to the anti-Muslim travel ban. Another was captured and tortured in Yemen.

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Haiti Fundraiser Builds Workers Unity

NEW YORK CITY, March 24—“I come from Haiti, a country Donald Trump calls a ‘shithole.’ What he leaves out...is that Haiti was a rich and green island when Christopher Columbus arrived.” Thus spoke a Haitian immigrant at a fundraising dinner of over 100 guests. “But after the Spanish, French and U.S. came and went, Haiti looked totally different. Channeling Trump, maybe what I should have said was ‘after the shitheads came and went,’ Haiti was left in debt and had been stripped of its natural resources and left in misery. No resource was more affected than its forest cover: two-three percent of Haiti is green today; compare that to its nearest neighbors, the Dominican Republic at 28 percent and Cuba at 31 percent.”

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Auto Workers Union Corruption, a capitalist custom

DETROIT, MI, March 15— The U.S. courts are investigating and charging United Auto Workers union (UAW) officials for accepting bribes from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV (FCA).
As the UAW constitutional convention approaches this June, the union mirrors the state of U.S. capitalism: corruption, declining power and influence. The situation is ripe for union misleaders and company bosses to indulge each other with bribes, luxuries, and money laundering.

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This article aims to tell the truth about Trotsky and his movement—a truth denied by all anticommunists as well as by all followers of the Trotsky cult.
Leon Trotsky (b. 1879) became a Marxist revolutionary during his youth; became a leading Bolshevik; and, during the last period of his life, the most influential anticommunist in the world. Today hundreds of Trotskyist groups worldwide continue to promote Trotsky’s brand of anticommunism masquerading as “real” communists.

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Gov’t unemployment report a scam: Figures don’t lie but liars can figure

All the bosses’ media headlines, plus U.S. president Donald Trump’s claims, report the “lowest unemployment in 17 years,” at 4.1 percent in February. But, as the Shadowstats analysis firm proves, this is “nonsense reporting of the first order.”
The actual unemployment figure, counting ALL the jobless, is 21.8 percent. And even that number does not include:

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Expose bosses’ dead-end reform—Masses of STUDENTS WALK OUT against Capitalist Violence

New York, March 14—Tens of thousands of students walked out across the United States in a nationwide call for gun control after 17 students and staff members were killed last month in yet another mass school shooting, this time in Parkland, Florida. We salute these students’ courage in confronting the capitalist bosses’ utter disregard for the lives of young working-class people.
It’s essential to recognize, however, that the latest anti-gun campaign is being orchestrated by liberals in the ruling class. Extreme alienation and anti-worker violence are integral features of the bosses’ profit system. Only a communist revolution can put a stop to them.

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Communism Means Equality for women and men

This celebratory column is in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution and the world communist movement of the 20th century. We mainly examine its triumphs. We welcome your comments and criticisms, and encourage all readers to discuss this period of history with their friends, classmates, co-workers, family, and comrades.

One hundred years ago The Messenger, a Black U.S. socialist monthly, editorialized:
Soviet government proceeds apace. It bids fair to sweep over the whole world! The sooner the better. On with the dance!
U.S. Socialist labor leader Eugene V. Debs declared:

The common people of Russia came into power, the peasants, the toilers, the soldiers, and they proceeded as best they could to establish a government of the people. It may be that the much-despised Bolsheviks may fail at last, but let me say to you that they have written a chapter of glorious history. It will stand to their eternal credit.

These words are more important today than ever.

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Transit workers win settlement; Must continue to fight racism

WASHINGTON, DC, March 21—After a multi-year, mass struggle against racist criminal background checks at WMATA, the Washington D.C. Metro transit system, the bosses at Metro recently settled a class-action lawsuit for $6.5 million in December. This reform victory shows how necessary it is to organize among Black workers and develop a mass base.
Though some workers will benefit from the settlement, there is more fightback to come. The bosses throw reformist crumbs to our class here and there to stifle our fightback. “Winning” some settlements will never liberate workers from this capitalist hell. But the militancy workers showed here is a harbinger of their revolutionary potential.

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Capitalist “Justice”: killer kkkops go free, antiracist fighters go to jail

CHICAGO, March 19—On Monday, March 12, PL’ers joined a group of other anti-racists rallying in front of the county building to demand bail for Tyrone Williams, a Black worker arrested for expressing his outrage at the courtroom injustice of the fascist judge in the pretend trial of killer cop Jason Van Dyke. A speech by a Progressive Labor Party member, who had been arrested for similar reasons, explained the racist nature of the entire capitalist system and its courts.

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