
 Progressive Labor Party on Race & Racism



Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism.

Only the dictatorship of the working class — communism — can provide a lasting solution to the disaster that is today’s world for billions of people. This cannot be done through electoral politics, but requires a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army led by PLP.

Worldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism, poverty, disease, starvation and environmental destruction. The capitalist class, through its state power — governments, armies, police, schools and culture —  maintains a dictatorship over the world’s workers. The capitalist dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism, individualism and religion.

While the bosses and their mouthpieces claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism returned to Russia and China because socialism retained many aspects of the profit system, like wages and privileges. Russia and China did not establish communism.

Communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society. We will abolish work for wages, money and profits. Everyone will share in society’s benefits and burdens. 

Communism means abolishing racism and the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to super-exploit black, Latino, Asian and indigenous workers, and to divide the entire working class.

Communism means abolishing the special oppression of women — sexism — and divisive gender roles created by the class society.

Communism means abolishing nations and nationalism. One international working class, one world, one Party.

Communism means that the minds of millions of workers must become free from religion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph when the masses of workers can use the science of dialectical materialism to understand, analyze and change the world to meet their needs and aspirations.

  Communism means the Party leads every aspect of society. For this to work, millions of workers — eventually everyone — must become communist organizers. Join Us!



CHICAGO MAY DAY: Communist revolution—not capitalist war

CHICAGO, APRIL 30 –“Communist revolution – not capitalist war!” This revolutionary message rang through the air as over 60 multiracial Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members and friends of the Party  celebrated International Workers’ Day on the City’s South Side. Driving wind and rain could not dampen our spirit as we rallied around the communist red flag and our international fight for a world free of racism, sexism, borders, and exploitation.

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BROOKLYN MAY DAY: Who's day? Workers' day!

In an inspiring moment of solidarity, construction workers interrupted their toil to hail our march. Amidst the foundation of yet another residential tower sure to contribute to racist gentrification, they held CHALLENGE newspaper high and

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BAY AREA May Day: Smash borders & bosses

OAKLAND, April 29 – Progressive Labor Party participated in several May Day events on Friday April 29 and Sunday May 1. Though small, PLers in the Bay Area  were able to spread communist ideas via our chants and newspaper, which were openly accepted by protesters at the demonstration. Workers are always open to communist politics.
Oakland: racist attack on students and workers
In Oakland, a primarily Black and Latin city, PLP attended protests at three schools over threatened closures.  The teachers and students connected the closure of schools to the closure of the port in Alameda (next to Oakland) to build a baseball stadium. Teachers and port workers united against privatization, a process that disproportionately hurts Black, Latin, and immigrant students and families. “The vast majority of students at the targeted schools — some 93% — are considered either lower-income, English learners or foster youth. Black students…[are] more than 40% of the student body…” (KQED, 4/29). The bosses will continue to make the working class pay for a crisis their system created.
Charter schools have a tighter control of both its students and workers.  At the Oakland rally, PLP distributed CHALLENGE and leaflets describing the way privatization further streamlines the process of producing students who have been taught not to think for themselves but rather to obey orders and conform to the bosses’ demands, training our students to become obedient workers who passively accept their exploitation. Public schools, like all schools under capitalism, are no better in their willingness to indoctrinate students with ideas that normalize racism, sexism and class exploitation. A system that treats some students as expendable does not deserve to exist!
San Francisco: workers have no borders!
On May Day Sunday, PLP attended the immigrant rights march calling for legalization for millions of undocumented workers and restoration of the asylum process at the border. These are just two of Biden’s broken campaign promises. A crowd of 400 mostly Spanish speakers heard PLP’s communist chants. “La Migra, Cochina, Racista y Asesina” (ICE, Pigs, Racists and Murderers) was well-liked. “Este puño si se ve,  Los obreros al poder” (this fist that you can see, workers to power) was new to the crowd. We promoted international working-class unity and discussed the idea of “¡Aplastar! las Fronteras” (Smash all Borders!). Relying  on the liberal bosses to lead these fights for undocumented workers will lead us into fighting in their inter-imperialist wars or in a cycle of being sifted through empty reforms (see editorial).  
PLP distributed 77 CHALLENGEs, mainly to those interested in our communist headline about May Day, some of the international reports, transit struggles, and student actions. We made one contact and gave literature to MUNI bus drivers.  
Meanwhile, other PLP members attended the May Day march called by the AFL-CIO union where we also distributed literature and met people.
We plan to follow up with our friends to discuss the role of borders and the basis of immigration policies in the capitalists’ need for a divided labor force, especially in this time of war. Slowly but surely, we are politically sharpening our forces and building the party. It was an exciting weekend!


Letters 5/25

A communist education
Sometimes, the Party’s ideas can reach people, and have a wonderful impact, in unexpected ways.
Three days ago, I participated in the PLP-organized May Day march in Brooklyn, New York. Then yesterday, I sent videos of the keynote speech to friends who didn’t make it to the march.
One friend, who now lives in another state, wrote back saying, “Thanks. I enjoyed that. It is a good reminder of the essence of community.”
Another friend, who is a teacher, sent this especially heart-warming note:
“Thank you for sharing this! She educated me soooooooo much just now! Some things I was aware of, but much of what she stated, I did not know! This is powerful! Do you mind if I share this with my students in class tomorrow?... I think it would be powerful to show this and discuss . . . and scrap what my original lesson was going to be.”

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Colombia: Don’t vote, organize for workers’ power

May 11, Bogota–Colombia’s ruling class is in the midst of a shameless electoral campaign as they bring more racist and sexist attacks against mostly Black workers living in the most remote and abandoned parts of the country. Every political party under capitalism works to trick the masses into joining their corrupt electoral circus by pushing lies, anti-communism, the farce of peace, and fake anti-corruption campaigns. Electoral politics is a desperate attempt to cover up the crisis created by the profit-driven system and furthermore legitimize its discredited bourgeois dictatorship and its rotten institutions.

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The only healthy choice for our class is communism

The U.S. ruling class is imploding. The leaked draft of a Supreme Court ruling to destroy a fundamental part of women’s healthcare—access to abortion—reveals a deeply divided ruling class. In the desperate battle between the Big Fascists of multinational finance capital and the domestically oriented Small Fascists, the U.S. bosses are ready and willing to destroy trust in their most sacred institution.
The Big Fascist media typically describe the fight over abortion as one between compassionate “pro-choice” liberals and heartless “pro-life” reactionaries. But this framing ignores the longstanding sexism and racism that bars working-class women from life-saving access to healthcare. It also minimizes the threat posed by the dominant Big Fascist bosses as they move toward a bloody global conflict and the vicious destruction of working-class lives around the world.
Antisexists, let’s not fall into the trap of voting for the liberal rulers who oppress us. They are the greatest der, not the lesser evil.

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Le Pen vs Macron: Two toxic brands of fascism, same rotten racism

The old U.S.-led liberal world order weakens by the day: the openly fascist and anti-NATO Marine Le Pen won 41 percent of the vote in the French presidential election while anti-France, pro-Russia forces rise in former French colonies in Africa. As rival imperialists China and Russia battle the declining imperialists (Ukraine is just the beginning), it’s our class that will pay the price. We workers cannot afford to walk into the traps of nationalism and liberal democracy. The alternative vision is evident—internationalism and communist revolution.
Celebrate this vision on May Day with Progressive Labor Party (see page 1)! As you wave your red flag of internationalism and chant, “Whose day? Our day!” remember how the might of the working class under communist leadership had produced revolutions out of the rulers’ world wars. Experience the revolutionary potential by joining our march for workers’ power as we fight to build an international communist movement. One day, the wretched of the earth will become its rulers. Need and commitment, not exploitation and profit, will be the driving force of society.

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Today is the workers’ day. Our holiday is rooted in the fight for the eight-hour work day in Chicago in the 1880s. But almost 150 years later workers all over recognize the power of May Day, setting aside time to commemorate our victories as a working class against the thieving system of capitalism. We call upon working people everywhere to stand up, join our Party, and commit to communist struggle, the only struggle that will truly free the human race from the misery that our class is forced to shoulder.
Today, and every day, PLP salutes—

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57 years: PLP paves the road to communist revolution

Over our first half-century, PLP has propelled the march to communism—first by leading antiracist, working-class struggle, and then through that struggle advancing communist ideas. This two-pronged strategy—practice and theory—is the basis for winning masses of workers to fight for communism.
Why communism? In our vision, the working class will determine society’s future. It will destroy the capitalist world and its brutal exploitation. It will smash a system that drives us into constant unemployment and poverty. It will stop the racism that drags down all workers. It will terminate the racist cops who break our strikes and kill workers, especially our Black, Latin, Asian and immigrant sisters and brothers. And it will end for all time the imperialist wars that send our youth to kill their class brothers and sisters worldwide, all for the bosses’ profits.

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Grad workers flunk miseducation system

CHICAGO, April 25—Today marked the first full week of an ongoing strike of over one thousand multiracial graduate workers at the University of Illinois in Chicago (UIC), who are boldly fighting capitalism’s racist and sexist miseducation system. Members of the international communist Progressive Labor Party (PLP) have been active on the picket lines and rallies, distributing CHALLENGE, helping lead chants and chatting with the strikers.

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