
 Progressive Labor Party on Race & Racism



Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism.

Only the dictatorship of the working class — communism — can provide a lasting solution to the disaster that is today’s world for billions of people. This cannot be done through electoral politics, but requires a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army led by PLP.

Worldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism, poverty, disease, starvation and environmental destruction. The capitalist class, through its state power — governments, armies, police, schools and culture —  maintains a dictatorship over the world’s workers. The capitalist dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism, individualism and religion.

While the bosses and their mouthpieces claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism returned to Russia and China because socialism retained many aspects of the profit system, like wages and privileges. Russia and China did not establish communism.

Communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society. We will abolish work for wages, money and profits. Everyone will share in society’s benefits and burdens. 

Communism means abolishing racism and the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to super-exploit black, Latino, Asian and indigenous workers, and to divide the entire working class.

Communism means abolishing the special oppression of women — sexism — and divisive gender roles created by the class society.

Communism means abolishing nations and nationalism. One international working class, one world, one Party.

Communism means that the minds of millions of workers must become free from religion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph when the masses of workers can use the science of dialectical materialism to understand, analyze and change the world to meet their needs and aspirations.

  Communism means the Party leads every aspect of society. For this to work, millions of workers — eventually everyone — must become communist organizers. Join Us!



Racist Melila massacre of migrants

Four days after the bodies of our Latin American brothers and sisters were discovered in an abandoned trailer in Texas, the bosses' deadly borders claimed the lives of more workers— this time in Melilla and Ceuta, two Spanish enclaves on the North Africa-Spanish border (hrw.org, 6/30).
On June 24, 37 migrant workers, all men from Sub-saharan Africa fleeing capitalist-created poverty and famine, were brutally beaten to death by police forces as they attempted to scale the border fence that divides Morocco from Spain. The Spanish Guardia Civil fired tear gas at hundreds of fleeing migrants. Those left behind were savagely clubbed. Graphic images of our Black brother’s mangled bodies left in pools of blood, rotting for hours in the sun expose the rotten racism of global capitalist nations and their borders (hrw.org, 6/30). The Melila massacre is the deadliest episode in a long history of the Moroccan and Spanish bosses' brutality against  Black African migrants seeking refuge in Europe (hrw.org, 2/10/14).

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Borders kill—workers have no nations!

On June 20, 53 migrants died horribly, abandoned in the back of a truck with no ventilation or water in 100 degree Texas heat (125-135 degrees inside the truck) having just crossed the border at Nuevo Laredo, Texas. A comrade’s son called him from Peru to tell him the news before his father had even learned of it in New York City. The world’s working class watched in horror how the migrants died. Small Fascist (see Glossary on page 6) MAGA aligned Texas governor Greg Abbott blamed Joe Biden for his “open border policy.” Racist liberal fascist Biden said “No grandstanding... [we] need to go after criminal trafficking rings.” The three smugglers currently live in Bexar County, Texas near San Antonio. Their business in the profit driven system is collecting thousands of dollars from migrants to turn them over as cheap labor to U.S. bosses. Workers’ lives are cheap under capitalism, unlike the products that workers buy.

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Part 9 of Black communists in Spanish Civil War: Milton connects Scottsboro struggle to Spain

Milton Herndon was born on March 10, 1908, in Wyoming, Ohio to Paul Herndon, a coal miner, and Harriet Herndon, a maid. After completing two years of high school Herndon went to work as a steelworker. He also served 18 months in the National Guard. Herndon exemplified the internationalism of the communist movement and the importance of Black workers leading the class struggle, not just against the U.S, capitalists, but for the international working class.
He joined the Communist Party in 1934 and became an organizer in Chicago. In July, 1934, Herndon wrote of the struggles of the Black, single, jobless workers of Harlem in the magazine Hunger Fighter, published by the Communist-led United Action Conference on Work, Relief, and Unemployment (price 3 cents). Other articles exposed Mayor Fiorella LaGuardia’s cops who clubbed and jailed demonstrators on May 26, 1934.
On September 1, 1934, Herndon was arrested with three other Black and white workers while picketing the Empire Cafeteria on Lenox Avenue and 125thStreet, in Harlem. The demonstration was organized by the Young Liberators Club of Harlem, a Communist-led group. They protested the refusal of Empire Cafeteria’s bosses to hire Black workers in any other job except porter.

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Book Review: ‘Workers deserve a real communist life’

Beautiful Country (2021) by Qian Julie Wang is a memoir of a seven-year-old girl from China growing up with her immigrant parents in Brooklyn, New York beginning in 1994. Events described in her book provide an opportunity to reflect on what happened in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) in China from 1966 to 1969.

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Rest in power: Fernando, staunch antiracist fighter  

Fernando Braga was born on August 26, 1982. As a child, he moved with his mother from Brazil to the Bronx. He went to Brooklyn Technical High School where he first became politically active in the fight against racism and mistreatment of students. Fernando’s first antiracist struggle came in helping organize his fellow students who wanted to re-create a “Media” major at Brooklyn Tech. High School. When the class first told their teacher what they wanted in the major, the teacher told them that they needed the students to work together with him to create this Media major. Fernando was a leader in not just figuring out what to do but in actually doing the work which also motivated the other students.

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Letters of July 20

Ecuador: strike vs. capitalist crisis
On June 13 here in Quito, Ecuador, a mobilization began towards the capital in response to the call of the Conaie Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CCINE) for a national strike against the neoliberal government of Guillermo Lasso. The strike and march on the capitol have been triggered by rising fuel prices and transportation costs, unemployment, massive layoffs, and budget cuts for health and education. Added to this is an escalation of violence by the uniformed officers towards the population, even going so far as to sign a cooperation agreement with the U.S. A bill presented in the United States Senate recently called again, “to Strengthen ties of the Association between the United States and Ecuador,” but with the U.S. in charge.

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The government of hope has arrived…We are going to develop capitalism in Colombia.
--Gustavo Petro in a June 19 victory speech

The election of misleader Gustavo Petro as president of Colombia is a desperate move by the country’s capitalist rulers to pacify millions of angry workers with empty promises of a social “transformation.” On the heels of a humiliating Summit of the Americas (see CHALLENGE, June 22), his victory reflects the U.S. bosses’ decline in their old imperialist backyard. But while every

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Smash sexism, stride towards communism

On a 100-degree afternoon, 100 students, parents, and workers marched through the south side Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago in the fifth annual “We Walk For Her” march organized to bring awareness to the Black and Latin women and girls that have gone missing because of sexist violence. This deadly sexism and racism is part and parcel of a system based on profit and exploitation.
Militant students led the action, from chants to marshaling the march. Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members marched with dozens of workers and distributed fliers and CHALLENGE. Workers were receptive to our message of communist revolution and a worker-run society as being the only solution to the countless attacks that the international working class faces daily. Many took the Party’s literature and engaged in deep discussions in the blazing heat.

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Strike against racism, steer toward revolution!

LANDOVER, MARYLAND, June 15—“The bosses can’t profit when the workers unite, shut it down and shut it tight” rang out in front of the Transdev Metro Access site, located on Hubbard Road in suburban Maryland. Transit workers at Metro Access garages are fighting for a living wage and decent benefits as they prepare to strike. These frontline workers drove disabled workers to doctors’ appointments, emergency rooms and other essential trips during the COVID pandemic and continue to serve despite their lower wages and benefits compared to other transit workers.

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MLA caucus: Capitalism is dictatorship for workers, democracy for bosses


NEW JERSEY/NEW YORK CITY, June 4—The Radical Caucus of the MLA (Modern Languages Association) organized a session, “’Democracy’ in a Time of War,” in recognition of the fact that workers worldwide are becoming more aware of the deadly nature of capitalist democracy and open to ideas of communist revolution. Members of Progressive Labor Party (PLP) emphasized and supported the most internationalist, pro-working class ideas of this discussion, while putting forward the idea that a workers’ communist party is the only way to advance the cause of workers’ democracy. This session took place as part of the “Keywords project,” which regularly brings MLA people together to critically examine concepts important to antiracist- and anti-capitalist struggle. 

break mental vs manual labor—all workers use philosophy

Three progressive scholars briefly analyzed the term from different points of view—how Karl Marx thought about democracy, what W.E.B. Du Bois wrote about “abolition democracy” in Black Reconstruction, and how the term “democracy” is weaponized in U.S. war propaganda today. PLP was there with our MLA Radical Caucus friends as co-organizers and co-questioners. Our base at the event included professors, a K-12 teacher, a group from the PSC/CUNY left, a philosopher of art in Berlin, and a comrade who called this in from the tow-truck he was driving on Route 80: “Most working people I know are totally cynical about democracy. They, in a completely organic way, find it to be a tool of elites.” This was one of the most significant statements made at the entire conference, and it set the stage for PLP to help put forward the call for organizing a party and not leaving these conversations in the realm of the purely academic. 

The first presenter said that Marx doesn’t discuss democracy much but does focus on the closely related keywords freedom and equality, “key features of capital’s self-image” and ideology. Marx sees freedom dialectically: more of humanity is formally free under capitalism than in serfdom or slavery—which is why progressives including Marx fought against slavery and for universal suffrage. Liberal democracy does not liberate workers, the speaker continued, because capital first “frees” or separates workers from their own means of production. A “Marxist conception of democracy” must attack the impersonal economic domination of capital, which operates as Marx often said “behind our backs,” behind the appearances of political democracy in the state. But, the speaker concluded, our project of workers’ liberation from capitalism cannot avoid the terms freedom, equality, and democracy: “We must struggle to supersede capital from within capital” and reclaim the promise of democracy from its capitalist distortion and for the immense majority.

Du Bois, for his part, decried the loss of power by workers freed from slavery as Northern capitalists and former enslavers took all political power from them and smashed the Reconstruction of the South. The presenter said that what Du Bois revealed about Northern capital’s racist power grab in the South was the start of U.S. imperialist racism moving to do the same thing to workers globally, across the “Global Color Line.” “Abolition democracy” to Du Bois meant that any real democracy was impossible without the abolition of “property relations,” that is, really, capitalism, though he didn’t join the Communist Party till near the end of his life.

He ascribed the destruction of workers’ power in Reconstruction to bourgeois panic at the idea of the freed enslaved people and the proletariat banding together with real power. So much for democracy when it threatens the right to own and exploit labor. The direct, personal power of the enslaver was replaced “behind our backs'' by the economic domination of the owner of capital.

Workers need democratic centralism

The lively Chat brought up Mao Zedong’s theory of “New Democracy,” or “People’s Democracy,” which PLP sees as one of the roots of revisionism (abandoning communism) in the Chinese Communist Party, combated in the Cultural Revolution by views taken from the 1871 Paris Commune.

Democratic centralism needs to be explained in greater depth. What is the dialectic between mass participation and the local, on the one hand, and synthesizing leadership at the center, on the other?  Here’s an excerpt from a key PL document, “For Communist Economics and Communist Power” 

For the “democratic” part, one meaning is that there should be full discussion of a proposal before a decision is made. Another meaning is that decisions should be made in the interests of the working class, and in a way that not only will benefit the working class, but also train more and more working-class people to contribute to the running of the society….The word "centralist" means that after a decision is made, everyone should work to carry it out, whether or not they agreed with the decision. all centralism is for the purpose of building a society free of privilege and exploitation, based on "from each according to his ability, to each according to need." and developing the consciousness of the people to be able to implement that.

See www.plp.org for the full version. There is much writing about this which we did not take up here.

We ended by noting that armed imperialist democracy turning the world into its battlefield is a living refutation of the lies and illusions widespread about democracy under capitalism. The presenter on Du Bois spoke for us all, sick of the slaughter in Yemen and Ukraine and Buffalo and Uvalde, when he said: “When people in the Global South hear the word democracy, they shudder, because they know what is about to be dropped on them is not leaflets.”  The work of questioning brought us together in a powerful way. It strengthened us for the fights ahead as democracy shades into fascism. 

The discussion maybe brought some friends closer to seeing the need to join and build PLP. When campuses return in-person, Radical Caucus members can carry some of these insights into work on campus, such as teach-ins on the inter-imperialist war in Ukraine, where “democracy” means Javelins and Stingers and heavy artillery. A communist democracy means the working class running society based on need and commitment.