
 Progressive Labor Party on Race & Racism



Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism.

Only the dictatorship of the working class — communism — can provide a lasting solution to the disaster that is today’s world for billions of people. This cannot be done through electoral politics, but requires a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army led by PLP.

Worldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism, poverty, disease, starvation and environmental destruction. The capitalist class, through its state power — governments, armies, police, schools and culture —  maintains a dictatorship over the world’s workers. The capitalist dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism, individualism and religion.

While the bosses and their mouthpieces claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism returned to Russia and China because socialism retained many aspects of the profit system, like wages and privileges. Russia and China did not establish communism.

Communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society. We will abolish work for wages, money and profits. Everyone will share in society’s benefits and burdens. 

Communism means abolishing racism and the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to super-exploit black, Latino, Asian and indigenous workers, and to divide the entire working class.

Communism means abolishing the special oppression of women — sexism — and divisive gender roles created by the class society.

Communism means abolishing nations and nationalism. One international working class, one world, one Party.

Communism means that the minds of millions of workers must become free from religion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph when the masses of workers can use the science of dialectical materialism to understand, analyze and change the world to meet their needs and aspirations.

  Communism means the Party leads every aspect of society. For this to work, millions of workers — eventually everyone — must become communist organizers. Join Us!



Mexico: Education ‘Reform’ Hits All Workers

Capitalism’s worldwide crisis pushes reforms that hurt the working class. Some, like in education, are expanding here in Mexico. The relentless class struggle in the state of Oaxaca, led mainly by the union’s Section 22, is now facing a frontal attack: educational reforms promoted by the capitalists centered around the OCDE, “Mexicans First,” Televisa and TV Azteca.

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Peugeot Strikers Invade Socialists’ Council, Charge Betrayal

PARIS, April 13 — Fifty Peugeot strikers invaded a meeting here of 300 top Socialist Party leaders at their national council, charging the Socialist government with betrayal in not fighting the company’s plan to lay off 8,000 workers in 2014 and close the Aulnay-sous-Bois plant. Over-running the security guards, the angry workers disrupted the meeting, loudly chanting, “No factory closures, outlaw layoffs!” and “We are workers, not vandals, the bosses are vandals!”
The Socialist Prime Minister, who had just finished a speech defending the government’s austerity policies, fled the hall when he saw the workers coming.

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U.S Rulers’ War Policy in Vietnam and Now: ‘Kill Anything that Moves’

Over 30,000 books on Vietnam are in print. Why is one more, Kill Anything that Moves by Nick Turse, of unique value? The short answer is that it can be used as educational material. It provides 262 pages of historical facts gained from interviews and ten years of research, which prove that relentless massacres of workers and peasants on the ground and from the air were a core element of U.S. policy 40-50 years ago just as they are today.
Studying this evidence can help readers think more deeply about the causes of American racism, militarism and fascism. It fortifies our argument that U.S. capitalism and its advanced form, imperialism on a global scale, must be destroyed and that only a communist revolution can achieve it. We should make every effort to have everyone we know read the book’s fully documented exposures of the atrocities and unending mass killings that took place in Vietnam for over a decade.  

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Big Terrorists and Small Terrorists The profit system is at the root of them all

Boston Bombing  Whoever planted the pipe bombs that killed three people at the Boston Marathon and injured more than 150 is a terrorist who committed a heinous act of murder.  We must understand that this tragedy is just one example of many in the world.  Everyday people in Iraq, Afghanistan, India and in several African countries, routinely experience urban bombings.   Even wealthy cities, such as London and Tel Aviv, have experienced urban bombings.  They have become part of life in our unequal, unjust world. 

Capitalism Kills  The root of terrorism worldwide is the anger and suffering generated by poverty and inequality.  Capitalism is a truly brutal system, causing massive war, starvation, and racist inequality throughout the world.  This deadly profit system causes horrific destruction and loss of life from Haiti to Greece.  The U.S. has the productive capacity to produce enough food to feed the whole planet.  However, 40 million people worldwide die every year due to starvation.  This, too is a kind of terrorism, where innocent lives are lost needlessly.  Even in the U.S. today, we experience economic terrorism in the form of huge cuts in workers’ wages and benefits and massive unemployment.

US Government is one of the biggest Terrorists    One of the biggest perpetrators of terrorism is the very person who claims to be our protector, President Obama.  Obama and the US government claim that “surgical” drone strikes, using unpiloted aircraft, avoid civilians.  They say that drones offer a low-cost, politically low-risk means of prosecuting their “war on terror” without engaging U.S. troops.  However, of the untold hundreds of innocent people killed so far by drones, nearly half are children, according to a recent study by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Moreover, hundreds of thousands of mostly noncombatants have been killed by the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan alone as it fights to control the most plentiful supplies of cheap oil in the world.  These are examples of state sponsored terrorism.

Bombing and Fascism   Since 9/11, the bosses have been monitoring all workers more closely.  Although they do this in the name of security neither the country nor the world is safer today.  Similarly, the Boston bombing tragedy, will be used to win people to accept more centralized government control over our lives.  Under Obama, Supermax prisons continue to lock up 1000s in complete isolation, driving many insane. Many of these prisoners are completely innocent. Under Obama, we have more racist cop terror.  Under Obama, we have drone surveillance inside the US.  Under Obama, we have more FBI wiretapping and more cameras watching us. As the manager of the US profit empire, Obama is leading us down the path of fascism (i.e. police state). 

The working class worldwide suffers from U.S. imperialism’s march to wider wars.  Our class’s answer remains to intensify class struggle against these murderous rulers and their poisonous profit system. We can see this happening in Pakistan’s mass strikes, and in workers’ mass protests in Greece and Spain. We see renewed struggle beginning to emerge in the U.S., with the fight -backs against racist cop terror and anti-Wall Street demonstrators in cities across the country.

The only solution is communist revolution  Progressive Labor Party is a revolutionary communist party dedicated to eliminating capitalism as the only way to end imperialism, fascism, racism, sexism, exploitation, poverty, and terrorism.  If we want peace in the world, we must eliminate the war-makers.  We are fighting for communism—a society run by workers where the wealth is distributed according to need not profit.

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U.S.-China Dogfight Behind Korea Clash

As North Korea continues to defy the U.S. with the threat of more nuclear weapons tests, it no longer seems impossible that the small country’s military rulers might spark a second Korean War (see box). What is certain, however, is that the underlying inter-imperialist struggle is an even graver danger for the world’s working class. As China enables North Korea’s missile rattling, a widening conflict with the U.S. seems to be growing.
North Korea’s latest war-leaning rhetoric was provoked by U.S. rulers, who conducted joint war exercises with South Korea in March. Pyongyang, North Korea is following the pattern set by the U.S. as it moved from World War II into the Cold War against the Soviet Union by way of mass slaughters in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Once the U.S. rulers had the atom bomb, they had to show they could use it — otherwise, they would lose deterrent power against their enemy. But if North Korea’s military is attempting to make its meager atomic arsenal a realistic threat, there could be unintended consequences for both sides.

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Slick Bosses’ Scheme Subverts Paid Sick Days

NEW YORK CITY, April 8 — Recently workers in a local community organization participated in a press conference on the steps of City Hall here at which City Council Speaker Christine Quinn was supposed to present a resolution asking the NY State Senate to pass the minimum wage law.
A group of workers in the organization had smuggled in a sign which they held up demanding Quinn pass the paid-sick-days bill. This created a commotion. Several people, including the organizer of the press conference — not expecting such an action — demanded we remove the sign. However, we disobeyed their orders, standing strong and militantly.
Ultimately, Speaker Quinn failed to appear. Although the workers were criticized by the organization’s leaders, it was a small victory for those involved.

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Assail Racist in the Not-so-friendly Skies

On February 8 on a Delta Airlines flight, racist Joe Rickey Hundley slapped a black 2-year-old. The racist attacked Jonah Bennett while he was in the arms of his adopted white mother, Jennifer Bennett. This animal Hundley called Jonah the n-word because the child was crying over descending cabin pressure.
When Hundley slapped baby Jonah, an anti-racist passenger helped subdue him. He was arrested upon landing. He was charged with “simple assault.”
He should have been charged with a hate crime. Antiracists are trying to get drunkard Hundley’s charges upgraded to a hate crime. Capitalist law is racist for not valuing the life of a black child.

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PLP School: ‘It has changed me, and I like it…’

Before I was introduced to PLP, I was clueless to know that students, teachers and parents were fighting for this victory against the bosses. Throughout this weekend I learned a lot about this struggle that PLP is working to accomplish, and it inspired me to be part of this struggle. I feel like way too many people are being lied to; more people need to be exposed to PLP and unite to overcome the bosses. Thank you, PLP, for introducing these everyday problems. It has also changed me, and I like it.
For these few days, I enjoyed this communist school trip with my eight classmates and my teachers. It gave me a great simple idea about communism. Before I attended this trip, I really

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The Red Flag: Symbol of Working-Class Revolt

This May Day Progressive Labor Party will proudly unfurl the red flag of workers’ revolution across the world. Why do we carry high the red flag?
In 1890, on the eve og history’s first May Day, Frederick Engels wrote, “The proletariat of Europe and America is holding a review of its forces. It is mobilizing for the first time as one army, one flag, one class...”
Both the red flag and the word “strike” first appeared in 1768, when sailors “struck” (or removed the topgalant sails of merchant ships at port), thus immobalizing the ships. The red flag indicated defiance and readiness for battle. Again in London in 1780, when 100,000 workers marched on Newgate Prison to burn it to the ground, the multi-racial leadership carried the red flag. Their cry was, “Away with all prisons,” because the working class was being increasingly incarcerated in them.

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Youth Rebel vs. High-Tech Tyranny

The March 13 CHALLENGE article, “War on Terror: Mass Red Movement Can Defeat Rulers’ High-Tech Tyranny”, was a wake-up call for many of us.  The article discussed the various technologies that have emerged at an accelerated rate for surveillance and spying since the Arab Spring.  There are conferences all over the world debating and attacking the growth of fascist technology to monitor and control citizens.
The bosses are using terrorist attacks since 9/11 as an excuse to tighten the screws on all workers and monitor them more closely as a means of social control.  In addition to monitoring cell phones to track workers’ location and activities, the internet increasingly cannot be accessed without proper institutional affiliation (or money).  The bosses control workers’ access to information to make it harder for workers to educate themselves. 

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