
 Progressive Labor Party on Race & Racism



Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism.

Only the dictatorship of the working class — communism — can provide a lasting solution to the disaster that is today’s world for billions of people. This cannot be done through electoral politics, but requires a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army led by PLP.

Worldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism, poverty, disease, starvation and environmental destruction. The capitalist class, through its state power — governments, armies, police, schools and culture —  maintains a dictatorship over the world’s workers. The capitalist dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism, individualism and religion.

While the bosses and their mouthpieces claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism returned to Russia and China because socialism retained many aspects of the profit system, like wages and privileges. Russia and China did not establish communism.

Communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society. We will abolish work for wages, money and profits. Everyone will share in society’s benefits and burdens. 

Communism means abolishing racism and the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to super-exploit black, Latino, Asian and indigenous workers, and to divide the entire working class.

Communism means abolishing the special oppression of women — sexism — and divisive gender roles created by the class society.

Communism means abolishing nations and nationalism. One international working class, one world, one Party.

Communism means that the minds of millions of workers must become free from religion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph when the masses of workers can use the science of dialectical materialism to understand, analyze and change the world to meet their needs and aspirations.

  Communism means the Party leads every aspect of society. For this to work, millions of workers — eventually everyone — must become communist organizers. Join Us!



Unitarians Need Communism 

PL’ers in the mass orgaization Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations are attending the UU General Assembly in Louisville, KY. At last June’s General Assembly, in Phoenix, 3,000 UUs demonstrated outside racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s immigrant detention center, chanting “Tear it down!”
The progressive aspirations of Unitarian Universalists are codified in seven principles. They are achievable — but not under capitalism. Take these four principles as an example.
The inherent worth and dignity of every person. Despite endless heroic struggles to reform it, capitalism has been destroying the lives of working people for five centuries. Often this takes the form of mass murder, as it did this spring in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In their relentless push for profit, garment factory owners forced employees, mainly women, to work in a dangerous building by threatening to withhold their ($37 a month!) paychecks. The building collapsed, killing 1,127 workers.
Capitalists use both racism and sexism to divide workers and reap even higher profits. The same sexism used to sell women’s fashions abetted the mass murder of women in Bangladesh. For the European and U.S. corporations that were the ultimate employers of these women, racism also played a role in justifying below-poverty wages and deadly working conditions.
To stay competitive, the capitalists impose wage, pension, and health benefit cuts. They resort to layoffs, speedups, unpaid overtime, unsafe working conditions, and outsourcing — whatever it takes to keep them profitable. Democrats are no better than Republicans in this regard. When the Obama administration took over General Motors, it slashed the base pay of new hires in half, from $28 to $14 per hour.
UUs often attribute low wages and unhealthy or unsafe working conditions to the greed of individual bosses. But it’s the laws of capitalist development that undermine the worth and dignity of working people. Companies that maximize profits can expand their operations and gain more access to capital from banks. As a result, they capture market share from less profitable companies, which eventually get taken over or run out of business.
Justice, equity and compassion in human relations. In the 17th Century, John Locke claimed that society was the product of a “social contract” among isolated individuals. This incorrect idea is implicit in the UU principles. In fact, human beings evolved through cooperation in production, beginning with hunting and gathering. In today’s capitalist society, every individual is a member of one of two classes: the small group of people who own and control the means of production (factories, mines, oil fields, transport), and the much larger group who creates value through their work. For hundreds of thousands of years, humans worked together to produce food and shelter for all. No one tried to “get ahead.” This was primitive communism. PLP’s goal is to nurture humans’ nature to work collectively and build communism based on a scientific understanding and practice.
For capitalists, “justice” means the right to exploit workers and profit from their labor. It’s the right to benefit from racist and sexist wage differentials. It’s the right to stay in power by dividing workers with racist, sexist, and nationalist ideas — and through religion. Capitalist justice is enforced by the apparatus of the state: armies, cops, courts, laws, and prisons. Government may take the form of electoral democracy (the U.S. or Bangladesh), or monarchy (Saudi Arabia), or rule by a single party (the state capitalist rulers of China). But the content in each case is the dictatorship of the ruling class.
As for “equity,” capitalists believe it is equitable for the richest 1 percent of the world’s population to own 40 percent of the wealth, while the bottom 50 percent owns 1 percent. They believe it is equitable for hundreds of millions to suffer from unemployment, despite the desperate need for education, health care, home construction, infrastructure repair, and pollution abatement.   
Do capitalists feel “compassion” for workers? Even as they announce layoffs or pay cuts, they are busy importing cheap products from starvation-wage countries and exporting capital to exploit workers in those countries. Their exploitation forces workers to emigrate to the U.S. and Europe, where they are both criminalized and forced to accept substandard pay and working conditions. “Justice, equity and compassion” are under siege by capitalist social relations.
The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all. No matter your age, you have not lived one day of your life in a world without war. Since around 1900, the beginning of the era of monopoly capitalism, the imperialist powers have fought endless wars to seize territory, markets, resources and access to labor. At least 160 million people have been killed in these conflicts. (For death tolls, see www.war-memorial.net.) From the 1860s to 1975, peasants and workers in one small country, Vietnam, fought against imperialist occupiers — first France, then the Japanese, then the French again, then the U.S. and its puppet regimes. In the war against U.S. imperialism alone, three million Vietnamese were killed. A recent book about U.S. military policy in Vietnam takes its title from what many soldiers were ordered to do: Kill Anything That Moves.
The murderous tradition of U.S. imperialism is alive and well today. With the U.S. wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan maintaining smaller numbers of troops, the Obama administration is presiding over a “pivot to Asia,” a move to line up allies and prepare for conflict with their main imperialist rival, China. Cyberwarfare between the two rivals is already underway. If an all-out war erupted between the U.S. and China, it would undoubtedly involve nuclear weapons and result in tens of millions — perhaps hundreds of millions — of fatalities.
War is the ultimate expression of capitalist competition. It’s also the ultimate solution to capitalist crises of overproduction, known as depressions. Through war, capitalist governments destroy excess productive capacity — including “excess” workers — and rebuild.
To achieve “world community with peace,” we must fight to end capitalist rule.
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Most UUs try to some extent to “live green.” Meanwhile, the world’s capitalists pour over a million pounds of carbon per second into the atmosphere, mainly through unnecessarily dirty power plants, factories, cement production, and ships. The stated goal of the 2012 UN Climate Change Conference was not to reverse global warming, but merely to slow it down – and it failed to reach agreement even on that. Why? Because the attendees all represented a capitalist class that places profits over the health of the atmosphere, water, or forests — or of people like us. 
We live in a capitalist world. The only cars, bicycles, or walking shoes we can buy are products of capitalism. So are church pews, and the paper in hymnals. Most of us must work for capitalist institutions. We cannot achieve dignity, justice, or peace on UU islands in a sea of capitalism.
But we have an alternative. We must work together to fight for a world based on production for use, not for profit; on equality, not privilege; on cooperation, not “getting ahead.” In other words, we must fight for communism. “What we fight for” on page 2 of CHALLENGE, outlines the goals of the Progressive Labor Party and the need for mass, armed revolution to achieve them. Road to Revolution IV, available at www.plp.org , explains why the working class has to fight directly for communism rather than socialism, which inevitably leads back to capitalism. Join us to turn the aspirations in the UU Principles into reality.


Legal Action Can Spark Class Struggle

Part One of this response to the letter, “Can Class Struggle Use the Bosses’ Courts?” (CHALLENGE, 4/26/13), discussed the appearance of the courts as a means to seek justice versus the essence of the courts as a tool of the U.S. ruling class in the previous issue (6/19/13). Part Two discusses why we advocate recruiting lawyers and legal workers to the Party and the use of the courts as one avenue of struggle against the bosses.

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Racist Rulers Rebuff Workers’ Protest vs. School Closings

Chicago, May 23 — Thousands of Chicago teachers, parents, and students petitioned, spoke out, rallied, sat in, marched and disrupted meetings to stop school closings, turnarounds, and consolidations that will attack over 40,000 students at 120 schools. Nevertheless, on May 22, the Chicago Board of Education voted to close 50 schools, turnaround five, and co-locate 11 with charter schools. “Transformation” of schools means a combination of shutdowns, overcrowding multiple schools in one building, firing teachers and redecorating schools based on the racist performance standards of federal and/or private grants.

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Syrian War’s Grand Prize: Mideast Oil

Imperialist rivalry, not religion, lies at the heart of the war in Syria. At stake are the vast energy resources of the Middle East. To maintain control of the region’s oil and gas, the U.S. capitalist ruling class is pointing toward a “decisive” Syria intervention. With the Russian bosses arming in opposition, U.S. rulers need to win U.S. youth to support a new military draft.  They also need the broader working class to support fascist war powers for widening regional conflicts. To date, however, their efforts toward these goals have faltered.

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JFK Workers Protest Poverty Conditions While Airlines Bank Billions

QUEENS, NY, May 30 — Dozens of airport workers rallied today outside JFK’s terminal 4 while officials and Delta employees celebrated the grand opening of the airline’s new JFK Airport gateway. The protesters were calling on airlines and airport service companies for an increase in wages and benefits, more job security and better treatment. The workers, who mainly work for companies subcontracted by Delta for terminal operations, marched outside the building, where several hundred feet away, officials and executives were gathering for its official opening.
The workers are predominantly black and Latino and are victimized by the racism of the companies that expect to get away with substandard conditions.
The protest was also directed against other airlines receiving subsidies or tax breaks for doing work at JFK and LaGuardia airports. This includes American Airlines, which received $1.2 billion in bonds from the NYC Industrial Development Agency, a wing of the Economic Development Corporation, for construction of a new JFK terminal. JetBlue, Air France, Korean Air Lines and Lufthansa also received over $400 million collectively in subsidies for work at Terminal 1.
“Companies at the airport get billions,” said Terminal 4 security worker Mohamed, but “people like me, low-wage subcontracted airport service workers, continue to struggle to get by on wages as low as $8 an hour with no meaningful benefits.”
Jamaica resident Jackson, a security officer for Air Serv who has worked in Delta’s terminal for more than three years, said he’s tired of being told there isn’t enough money for raises or benefits while billion-dollar terminals are constructed. “We haven’t received a single pay raise since I started,” he said. “We work full-time and still wonder if we make enough to pay the bills. This is no way to live. The problem is Delta received millions of dollars in tax subsidies to expand Terminal 4, but at the same time, we’re told there isn’t enough money for raises or benefits. There’s enough money.”
Jackson says some employees who worked in Terminal 3, Delta’s former facility that closed last Friday, don’t know if or when they will move to Terminal 4.
The racist, sexist exploitation of these airport workers is a clear example of how the capitalist system operates and of the necessity to overthrow it to create a communist society free of bosses and profits.


Pro-Boss Union Hacks Rally for Democrats

NEW YORK CITY, June 5 — The Municipal Labor Committee, a coalition of city-worker unions totaling 300,000 members — teachers, transit workers, workers in the mayoral agencies as well as fire and sanitation departments — will be rallying June 12 at City Hall park. Will this demonstration lead to a real fight to restore levels of city services needed in hospitals, schools and other vital areas?
Will it lead to a real fight for contracts that expired two and three years ago?
Will it end the racist police terror of “stop and frisk” and police murders?
Will it lead to a general strike that brings the banker-, real estate- and Wall Street-backed politicians to their knees?

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Legal Service Workers Strike vs. Racist Cuts

New York CITY, June 1 — “When you reach a certain point, you can’t continue taking your kids to the doctor, or you can’t afford to go to the doctor. You can’t raise your kids here in New York, so you have to find other work…The cuts are so drastic that they will undermine our ability to serve our clients.”
That’s how one striker explained why 270 lawyers, paralegals, process servers, and other staff are in Week 3 of their strike against Legal Services NYC (LSNYC), after working without a contract for over a year. The strikers are members of the Legal Services Staff Association/UAW Local 2320 (LSSA), a nation-wide UAW local with branches across the country.

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An Unemployment Story: Capitalism Won’t Solve Economic Crisis It Created

Economic crises are deadly for workers. But for capitalists, crises are opportunities to attack the working class. As Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon declared at the onset of the Great Depression, “During depressions, assets return to their rightful owners.” By “rightful owners,” he meant the capitalist ruling class. (Mellon himself was a financier who amassed a personal fortune of more than $300 million.) The system’s internal contradictions create periodic busts that weed out weaker capitalists and enable the surviving bosses to increase their profits by rolling back workers’ gains.
The current Great Recession is no exception. The capitalist class has used it to wage a relentless class war, complete with massive unemployment and givebacks from workers still hanging on to their jobs. This brutal cycle can be ended only when workers fight back — not just against pay cuts, but to destroy capitalism itself.

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PL’ers Spread May Day from El Salvador to Honduras

El Salvador — PL’ers met to discuss May Day activities. We discussed the planning and outcome of each activity:
First, one comrade went to Honduras to coordinate the event there and arrange the distribution of 2,000 flyers at the May Day march by six CHALLENGE readers.
Following that, in the capital city of El Salvador, San Salvador, 15 comrades, members and friends of PLP, distributed 5,000 flyers. These comrades come from various nearby communities.
In total, 45 people distributed flyers at the May Day event in San Salvador. We’d also like to highlight the number of flyers that were sent to a university in Guatemala, through the efforts of a PLP sympathizer. Further, we printed one thousand more flyers than the number planned at a pre-May Day meeting.
In summary, we’re certain this event was a success and a step forward for PLP, and therefore for the working class, and the peasants from the villages, who were pleased. All the PLP members in San Salvador are very proud and we’re ready to continue the struggle organizing workers, women, peasants, teachers, soldiers, and students.
Youth who participated were able to realize that the only way to change the capitalist system is organizing to build our base and contribute to consolidating and strengthening communism internationally to destroy the forces of imperialism.
Long Live May Day! Long Live the Workers of the World! Long Live PLP!


Masses Rise in Turkey vs. Fascist Erdogan Regime

ISTANBUL, June 5 — The working class is rising in Turkey, involving 3,000,000 across 60 cities. Mass demonstrations with as many as 250,000 people have occurred on a daily basis since May 29, centered in Istanbul’s Taksim Square, a place where workers traditionally voice their grievances and show their strength. They are outraged at the Islamist government of Prime Minster Erdogan. On June 4, 240,000 government workers in the Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions walked out as part of a general strike. They are protesting the arrest and trial of 72 members on phony terrorism charges. They are also striking against the current wave of police repression of massive anti-government protests that started last Friday.

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