
 Progressive Labor Party on Race & Racism



Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism.

Only the dictatorship of the working class — communism — can provide a lasting solution to the disaster that is today’s world for billions of people. This cannot be done through electoral politics, but requires a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army led by PLP.

Worldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism, poverty, disease, starvation and environmental destruction. The capitalist class, through its state power — governments, armies, police, schools and culture —  maintains a dictatorship over the world’s workers. The capitalist dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism, individualism and religion.

While the bosses and their mouthpieces claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism returned to Russia and China because socialism retained many aspects of the profit system, like wages and privileges. Russia and China did not establish communism.

Communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society. We will abolish work for wages, money and profits. Everyone will share in society’s benefits and burdens. 

Communism means abolishing racism and the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to super-exploit black, Latino, Asian and indigenous workers, and to divide the entire working class.

Communism means abolishing the special oppression of women — sexism — and divisive gender roles created by the class society.

Communism means abolishing nations and nationalism. One international working class, one world, one Party.

Communism means that the minds of millions of workers must become free from religion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph when the masses of workers can use the science of dialectical materialism to understand, analyze and change the world to meet their needs and aspirations.

  Communism means the Party leads every aspect of society. For this to work, millions of workers — eventually everyone — must become communist organizers. Join Us!



Hospital Workers Stand up to Bosses

CHICAGO — A hospital on the west side promotes itself as a “national model for urban health care delivery,” but is chronically understaffed.  Understaffing and speeding up workers helps the bosses save money, but they also undercut the medical care workers provide to patients.  Since most of the patient population is black and Latin in this part of Chicago, understaffing helps continue racist oppression.  But workers here are fighting back!
A letter was circulated that explained how understaffing and a lack of equipment are risks to patient safety, and it requested that additional staff in the Respiratory Care Dept. be hired.  Over sixty workers signed the letter, which was given to the chief operating officer and board of directors at their annual meeting.
The bosses were angry and embarrassed that workers dared to present grievances at their board meeting.  They were more concerned about being exposed and humiliated than about the rotten conditions faced by workers and their patients every day.  They subsequently decided to interview all the signatories to the letter and question each person as to how inadequate staffing levels could be solved.  Most workers responded by telling them to hire more workers.

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CUNY Students Geared Up for Ferguson Verdict

THE BRONX, November 20 — One of the many capitalist lies that we are force-fed is that workers are essentially selfish and lazy, looking out for only ourselves. But we don’t need to look far to see that despite the barrage of individualist ideas from the media and schools, workers are usually ready to stand together and fight back.
A multiracial group of 20 students and professors showed this capitalist lie for what it is at the Bronx Community College (BCC) today. Led by Progressive Labor Party, and a campus club of mainly black and Latin students, the group demonstrated against the racist murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and the disappearances of 43 students in Guerrero, Mexico. Every student left with a copy of CHALLENGE and some even signed up to travel to Ferguson!

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LA Students: ‘Chant Down the Walls’ 

LOS ANGELES, November 6 — Nearly one hundred students participated in forums to discuss the mass deportations of immigrant workers under the Obama administration. It was organized at University of California Los Angeles and a nearby Cal State University. This discussion took place in the build-up to Obama’s announcement of an executive order to grant approximately five million undocumented immigrants a temporary reprieve from deportations. Students from the Progressive Labor Party participated in these discussions and are building a base for the Party’s ideas among other students. This includes  inviting Ezell Ford’s (25-year-old black man killed by the cops on August 11) family to speak at a future event on campus to discuss how students can build a multiracial response to racist police terror.

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Capitalism Kills From Mexico to Ferguson Solidarity From NYC to San Francisco  

San Francisco, CA — In solidarity with rebellions in Mexico, over 400 workers and students marched in San Francisco’s main commercial center. PLP members joined the demonstration with signs and flyers linking State Terrorism in Mexico to the systematic, state-sponsored racist imprisonment and murder of black and Latin youth in the U.S.

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No Justice Under Capitalism

Michael Brown. Vonderrit Myers Jr. Shantel Davis. Kimani Gray. Roshad McIntosh. Eric Garner. Rhamarley Graham. Ezell Ford. Kyam Livingston. Reynaldo Cuevas. Tyrone West. Omar Abrego. Most recently the cops killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland and 28-year-old Akai Gurley in Brooklyn.

The racist police murders of our black and Latin youth will continue since the grand jury failed to indict Darren Wilson, butcher of Michael Brown. It’s evident that kkkop Wilson murdered Mike. That’s how capitalist justice works! Cops and bosses can get away with murder while the working class gets terrorized, deported, disappeared, starved, and killed — all legal under capitalism.


There are many demands: indictment, community policing, civilian complaint review boards, black and Latin cops, federal investigations. That’s like asking the fox to guard the henhouse! Going through the courts is a pacification method. The ruling class owns the courts, the cops, and congress: the whole state.

Police killings will continue because it’s profitable for the bosses. These increased killings are part of rising fascism: the capitalist system in crisis. It is becoming more evident that there is no future for our youth under capitalism, that we are living in a decaying system. So the bosses terrorize the working class into accepting a future of mass unemployment and wars. Expect more racist killings. Racism is the cutting edge of capital, producing superprofits for the bosses and a divided working class.

Rebellion Now!

The working class in Ferguson has shown another path to justice: rebellion. Led mostly by youth, the rebels have shown us all what’s possible when workers fight back! It’s time to stand up to the National Guard, tanks, tear gas and riot cops again. Defy Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama, who all rushed and will rush to put out the fire and keep racism going. Our class needs to follow the leadership of Ferguson and continue to fight. We call on everyone to carry on the fightback that at your schools, at work, in your churches, in your unions, and into the streets!

Capitalism is the Real Criminal

The ruling class tries to paint black, Latino and immigrant workers as criminals. In reality, it is the bosses who are the real criminals, closing hospitals and schools, as well as murdering workers and children in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. They got money for bombs and the military, but never for food and medicine.

Everywhere, capitalism kills: through ISIS and U.S. air strikes in the Middle East; Ebola in West Africa; the UN goons in Haiti. In Mexico, 43 students were disappeared after protesting against the state. Capitalism fails our sisters and brothers every day. What we need in response to this global crisis is a global communist revolution

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Rulers Plan a Future of Wars

The U.S. ruling class has a lot on its plate. Inter-imperialist competition is forcing the bosses to prepare for both smaller, regional wars and the broader world war to come. China, Russia, Japan, and the European Union powers are vying with the U.S. to control oil and other resources and to maximize profits from cheap labor. History shows there is no way to negotiate or cooperate out of these conflicts. They can be solved only by war.
But the capitalists cannot successfully pursue these wars without boots on the ground to do the killing. They must gain loyalty and support from the world’s workers — the same workers they need to exploit and brutalize in their racist system (see box).

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PLP College Conference Building the Fight vs. Fascism

EAST HARLEM, November 8 — Fascism is imminent, but the future is bright for the working class. Youth are ready to learn and to fight. Progressive Labor Party’s College Conference to Smash All Borders helped youth realize their potential to lead a communist revolution.
The conference drew over 80 youth and professors from California, Maryland, Illinois, New Jersey, Michigan, Massachusetts, New York, and Washington, DC. This conference was a product of our practice in fighting racist police brutality against black and migrant youth. Throughout a rally through East Harlem, the willingness to fight back under PLP’s leadership was evident.

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Justice Starts When Capitalism Ends

BROOKLYN NY,  October 21 — “We want justice for Kyam Livingston, killed in a Brooklyn cell!” rang out as the Committee for Justice for Kyam Livingston rallied in the Flatbush neighborhood where Kyam had lived. Today’s demonstration was bigger than last month’s, more neighbors joined the rally and many more watched and listened across the street from the rally or stopped as they exited the nearby subway. Hundreds of leaflets and over 250 CHALLENGEs were eagerly grabbed up by the rush hour crowd.
PLP has supported this fight from the start. We salute the family for their resolute commitment to continuing the struggle against the racist and callous treatment which caused Kyam’s death. What does it mean to get justice for Kyam? Can this family or others who have lost loved ones to racist police terror get justice under the rule of capitalism?

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Petraeus Out of CUNY — We Won’t Fight Your Imperialist Wars

NEW YORK CITY, October 29 — Nearly 30 students, professors and members of a Harlem church protested a talk by war criminal David Petraeus in Manhattan this evening. He was having a “conversation” with conservative NY Times columnist David Brooks, hosted by the Macaulay Honors College of City University New York, which hired the former commander of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and later CIA Director to teach a seminar course.
Last year hundreds of CUNY students and faculty demonstrated against his presence on a regular basis, to the point where he now is surrounded by dozens of NYC cops every time he appears publicly.
We chanted “Petraeus Out of CUNY” and “1, 2, 3, 4, We Won’t Fight Your Imperialist War; 5, 6, 7, 8, Petraeus Out, We Won’t Wait.” The last chant was particularly significant since many of the people in the audience were older, well-dressed business people who would never think of sending their children or grandchildren to the Middle East or Central Asia to risk their lives.

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Fight Like Ferguson Forum: Can There Be A Good Cop?

NEW YORK CITY, October 27 — Bringing home the events and the fightback against racist murder by cops in Ferguson, PLP members helped organize a “Fight Like Ferguson” forum at Hunter College today. The event’s purpose was to review the current state of resistance in Ferguson and its dynamics and to discuss concrete methods for linking that resistance to the worldwide struggle against racism.
A three-member panel gave a presentation, followed by questions and discussion. About 30 people from Hunter and other City University colleges attended. PL’ers invited the audience to the 2014 College Conference the following week. Everyone in the audience took CHALLENGE.

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