Editorial...Russia: bosses’ internal weakness drives fascism
Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 2:21PM

The short-lived mutiny of a Russian mercenary highlights the growing volatility and sharpening threat of fascism and world war as rival imperialists compete for global supremacy. On June 23, Yevgeny Prigozhin and his state-funded Wagner Group rebelled against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his military leadership, seizing the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and advancing within 120 miles of Moscow. While many details are still unknown, Prigozhin’s plan clearly backfired. With no backing from within the government or military, or mass support from soldiers or workers, the rebellion ended in failure within 24 hours.

Even so, the instability shown by Prigozhin’s mutiny is driven by the same crisis of capitalism that’s pushing the gangster imperialists ruling the U.S., Russia. and China toward World War III. As competition among rival imperialists intensifies, so does their desperation. Fights within the ruling class are escalating, as we see in the clash in the U.S. that is playing out in the Supreme Court and the 2024 presidential race. None of these capitalists will hesitate to sacrifice millions of workers in the coming world war.

The only way out of this imperialist hellscape is for workers to turn the guns around against all of these bosses, join the revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party, and turn imperialist war into communist revolution!

Capitalist instability leads to world war
Just as in the U.S. and every other capitalist country, there are splits within the Russian ruling class. Billionaire Yevgeny Prigozhin heads the Wagner Group, a private military contractor that Putin was glad to use for nearly a decade to project Russian imperialism throughout the world. Wagner has been most active in Syria, Mozambique, Libya, Central African Republic, and Mali. In 2014, following the U.S.-backed “Euromaidan” coup in Ukraine, Wagner was instrumental in the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. Since war broke out in Ukraine in 2022, Wagner forces have been a major part of the Russian offensive.

The limits of the unity between Prigozhin and Putin were exposed during the recent bloody siege of Bakhmut, which was led by Wagner forces. For months, Prigozhin had openly criticized Russian preparation and execution of the war. With no honor among capitalist thieves, Putin replied by letting Wagner lead the attack on Bakhmut — but withheld supplies, dooming the mercenaries to tremendous losses (Seymour Hersh, 6/29).

Capitalism is based on competition, first and last. This reality rots all the way into the bones of every part of every capitalist state, without exception. Prigozhin personifies Vladimir Lenin’s analysis of the basic instability of imperialism over 100 years ago. The deepening political and economic chaos of capitalism, as Lenin noted, is reflected everywhere in the capitalist class. Until the working class overthrows the capitalist bosses with communist revolution, world wars are inevitable.

Nationalism = loyalty to imperialism
Like all imperialist warmongers, Russia is using unrelenting nationalist propaganda to win political support from workers for the war. Nationalism is the poisonous idea of unity between workers and bosses in a given nation. But the Russian bosses’ reliance on Prigozhin, like the U.S. bosses’ reliance on Blackwater mercenaries in Iraq, reflects weakness. In both cases, the rulers need to rely on soldiers-for-hire instead of politically committed fighters. To correct this weakness, Russian and U.S. bosses are constantly lying through their teeth with cynical propaganda to build nationalism and win workers to support their empires.

Especially galling are Putin’s references to the communist-led Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany as he claims to be “de-nazifying” Ukraine. Yes, the Ukrainian army integrated neo-Nazi militias—the Azov, Aidar, and Sich battalions—into their National Guard, which then received training from the U.S. Army’s 173rd Airborne Brigade (see CHALLENGE, 7/15/15). But the murderous hypocrite Putin had no problem with the fact that the Wagner Group, now officially integrated into the Russian army, openly recruited white supremacist militias like the Russian Imperial Movement and Russian National Unity (Guardian, 3/20/22). Workers have no good choices between the nazis of Russia and the nazis of Ukraine! We say smash them all!

Fascism: a violent shift out of weakness
Internal divisions and threats from rival imperialists are destabilizing Russia, China, and the U.S. As the inter-imperialist rivalry propels the world toward a potentially nuclear weapon-fueled World War III, capitalists in Russia, China and the U.S. are compelled to impose order and discipline on their own class and also upon the working class. This is the essence of fascism: the stripping away of the mask of liberal democracy to expose the bloodthirsty, nationalist, racist, sexist forces that lie at the heart of capitalism.

By contrast to the division and disunity among capitalists in the U.S., the dominant Russian bosses’ ability to discipline their ruling class opposition is far more developed. After the Soviet Union imploded in 1991 and the Russian rulers lost rich territories such as Ukraine, they responded by hollowing out their pretense of liberal democracy and resorted to more open fascism to claw back their diminished empire. For years, Putin has exiled, jailed or murdered political opponents like Alexei Navalny, while hammering workers with racism and drowning them in blood to reassert Russian control over Chechnya and Georgia. Progressive Labor Party believes that the liberal Big Fascists of U.S. finance capital—fronted by politicians in the Democratic Party—represent the greatest danger to our class. Despite their weaknesses and internal divisions, this set of bosses is best equipped to impose the discipline on other capitalists that we see today in Russia and China.  

Fight for your class, not your country! Join PLP!
As CHALLENGE goes to press, youth, and workers across France are in armed rebellion against a racist police murder, showing the international working class the way. If workers around the world are organized to fight with the bravery and militancy of our class brothers and sisters in France, under the communist leadership of PLP, we will dump every Prigozhin and Putin, every Biden and Trump, into the dustbin of history. We will liberate the international working class by creating a society led by and for workers. By organizing solidarity with the rebellion in France within our unions, classrooms, and mass organizations, we’ll advance the internationalism we need to smash all imperialist bosses. Only by building a mass PLP and fighting for communist revolution can the working class smash racism, sexism, nationalism, and imperialism once and for all! Join us!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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