A Town Hall Podcast
Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 2:03PM

A PLP member attended a Town Hall podcast which included Michael Brown’s father from Ferguson and Oscar Grant’s father from Oakland and others from Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, and Maryland. These directly impacted families decried Al Sharpton and Ben Crump as ambulance chasers just trying to exploit the families to get more media attention. Nikki pointed out that leaders of groups including the NAACP were similarly a problem.

She said that she wanted to be in touch with local fighters, not just the paid staff of large organizations who limit their engagement due to political connections or their non-profit status.

While community support sometimes flags, Nikki and PLP members said that one solution is to rely on the impacted families and boots-on-the-ground community outreach. On the other hand, Angelo Pinto, an attorney from New York City at the podcast, pushed the failing idea that impacted family members should try to get elected to leadership positions in groups like the NAACP and run for elected political office.

The struggle for justice and communism continues
PLP members struggle with friends in the mass organization over our strategies for struggle and our vision of a better, communist, world. Nikki is also asking questions, joining meetings, and reading CHALLENGE.
As individuals and families directly impacted by all forms of injustice become more involved in our activities, we hope to bring them closer to the PLP so they become leaders in the revolutionary struggle for communism that will eliminate racist government-sponsored terrorism.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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