Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 2:06PM

One year ago, the simmering conflict between Russia and the U.S.-backed regime in Ukraine became an inter-imperialist shooting war. At the time, CHALLENGE wrote, “It’s impossible to know how this war will ultimately play out, but we do know that small wars can lead to larger wars, particularly in volatile times.” As tensions among the top imperialist powers escalate, with their economies in crisis and World War III looming, that prediction looks even more likely today.

Progressive Labor Party (PLP) has long warned that the capitalist profit system breeds ruthless and never-ending imperialist competition, battles waged with workers’ blood. At the same time, violent shifts in the old world order create an opening for communist revolution, just as they did during World War I and after World War II.

The war in Ukraine has massacred hundreds of thousands of workers and displaced 14 million (PBS, 11/22/22). With supply chains for wheat exports disrupted, many millions more are going hungry, with Africa bearing the brunt (Reuters, 3/9).

As in all imperialist wars, workers have no side in this conflict. We have no class interest in fighting and dying for the capitalist rulers who sit and count their profits.  For the international working class, victory will come only when we turn the guns around, smash all bosses, and build a communist world to serve workers’ needs.

Wavering alliances
Despite demands by the U.S. that its allies fall in line, it no longer rules the roost. From India and Pakistan to Turkey, South Africa,  and Brazil, regional capitalist powers are resisting Western calls to isolate and end critical trade with Russia.

India has openly defied U.S. calls to reduce Russian oil imports. When Russia’s foreign minister spoke at an International Conference in India and attacked the U.S. and NATO for their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, he was warmly applauded (Guardian, 3/4). China and Turkey have actually increased their imports of Russian oil, rendering U.S. sanctions mostly useless. More broadly, China has emerged as Russia’s most important trading partner. The U.S. bosses now fear that China may tip the balance in Ukraine by supplying Russia with advanced weapons (BBC, 2/4).

While the U.S. media makes it sound like Ukraine has thwarted Russia militarily at every turn, Russia has in fact seized at least 116,000 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory, the equivalent of Bulgaria (CNN, 9/30/22). As the war drags on, the U.S. has justified concerns that even its closest friends may lack the appetite to continue. In Berlin, the capital of the U.S. bosses’ most important ally, more than 10,000 marked the war’s anniversary by marching against delivering more weapons to Ukraine (Reuters, 2/25). Wolfgang Ischinger, a senior German diplomat, called for the “immediate” initiation of  “a peace process for Ukraine” (RT.com, 3/13).

The U.S. bosses rightly fear that an ascending China is using the conflict in Ukraine to keep chipping away at the old world order that the U.S. had dominated since 1945. China’s latest initiative was to broker the reestablishment of diplomatic ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the most important powers in the oil-rich Middle East, a deal that left the U.S. on the outside looking in (NYT, 3/11).

U.S. rulers are further weakened by the division and instability in their own ranks. The bosses’ finance capital main wing, fronted by Democrats from Joe Biden to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are committed to protecting the profits of ExxonMobil, JPMorgan Chase, and other powerful multinational companies–at any cost. A contending faction, led by the likes of the Koch family, Rupert Murdoch, and a growing “America First” contingent of the Republican Party, is pushing to suspend all aid to Ukraine. One of Russia’s big advantages is that its bosses are far more unified. Like China, it’s gotten a headstart on the U.S. in moving toward full-blown fascism. 

War-hungry U.S. media
Unlike the minimal U.S. media attention to recent wars in Yemen or Africa, where thousands of Black and Brown children have been murdered, the war in Ukraine and its blond, blue-eyed victims are splattered all over the front pages. This racist coverage also is designed to prepare U.S. workers to sacrifice in the next world war.

The bosses’ media justify their round-the-clock focus on Ukraine  by claiming that Russia’s invasion was an unprovoked attack on an independent country’s sovereignty. They never mention the eight NATO “battle groups” already stationed in Eastern Europe (NATO.int, 12/22), or that the U.S. helped to trigger the invasion by suggesting that Ukraine might be considered for inclusion in NATO, a longstanding “red line” that  Russia would not allow to be crossed (Reuters, 12/21). Or that the U.S. itself has invaded 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations. So much for sovereignty!

The media is obsessed with Ukraine not because it represents a sovereign “democracy” standing up to tyranny, but because the U.S. bosses need to divide the international working class as they drive toward war and fascism. They know that their biggest threat is an organized, militant, international army of workers fighting to smash capitalism.

Fight back against imperialist warmakers!
As Russia and China continue to strengthen their alliance, a U.S. general recently predicted that the U.S. would be at war with China by 2025 (Time.com, 1/31). China’s leader, Xi Jinping, recently targeted what he called a U.S.-led campaign of “encirclement and suppression.” His new foreign minister said China had no choice but to fight back against U.S. sanctions (NYT, 3/9).

The current period contains both great danger and huge opportunity for the working class. The war in Ukraine  demonstrates once again that wherever workers are attacked, it hurts our class brothers and sisters internationally. Whether it’s boots-on-the-ground carnage, disrupted food supplies and medical care, or economic devastation, it’s our class that has the most to lose under capitalism.  

Only with communist revolution can we turn imperialist world war into class war against the capitalist parasites who put profits over human life. Only then can we build a world where wars, racism, and sexism will be eliminated for all time. Only communism can smash our chains, once and for all!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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