Editorial: Taiwan, flashpoint of inter-imperialist rivalry
Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:55PM

Imperialist war drums are beating loudly in the Pacific as the U.S. and China vie to control resources, markets, and geopolitical leverage. At the center of this grab bag is Taiwan, the island republic claimed by China-- and viewed by the U.S. as a strategic counterpoint to China’s rising power. In advance of Taiwan’s January 13 elections, the two superpowers are competing for regional supremacy as they move toward World War III. Their maneuvers lay bare their bloodthirsty drive for profit and also expose the lethal dangers of nationalism.
Progressive Labor Party (PLP) stands firm that working people have no nations—and no side in the capitalist bosses’ dogfight. The bosses cloak their insatiable greed in nationalist rhetoric and calls for a false unity with “their” workers. But all alliances with capitalists offer workers only misery and death.

The working class can turn inter-imperialist war into class war, a revolutionary war for communism. We can connect our communist politics to every struggle we’re immersed in, from the fightback against racist cop terror to strikes and struggles for decent healthcare. We can call out nationalist misleaders who distract the working class and divert their anti-imperialist anger. It’s up to the workers of the world to reject all criminal bosses and respond with international working-class unity and communist revolution.

Imperialists at sea
The South China Sea, a major shipping route and fishing ground, is a linchpin in the global battle for supremacy between China and the U.S.—and a flashpoint for inter-imperialist war. More than 21 percent of the world’s trade, amounting to trillions of dollars, passed through it in 2016 (CNBC, 11/17). China and the U.S. are Taiwan’s two biggest trading partners. The Taiwan Strait, the main shipping route for "goods from Asian factory hubs to markets in Europe, the U.S. and all points in between” (bloomberg.com, 8/2), anchors global supply chains.

Perhaps most important, Taiwan produces over 60 percent of the world’s semiconductors and over 90 percent of the advanced microchips that power everything from mobile phones and artificial intelligence technology to weapons of mass murder (The Economist, 3/26). China’s threat to take over Taiwan and its claim to nearly all of the South China Sea prompted U.S. rulers to bar Taiwan companies from selling their most powerful chips to China (NBC News, 6/29).

Fighting a rising global power
A decaying, divided, and desperate U.S ruling class is straining to contend with China, an economic giant that now sees itself as a global power and is acting as such. “Long reluctant to inject itself into conflicts far from its shores, Beijing is showing a new assertiveness as Xi Jinping begins his third term as the country’s head of state, positioning China to draw like-minded countries to its side and to have a greater say on global matters” (Wall Street Journal, 3/22). China’s willingness to wade into international matters sends a message to traditional U.S. allies that the old world order, dominated by the U.S. and its NATO allies since World War II, is a thing of the past.

In planning their takeover of Taiwan, China’s bosses have studied the Russian playbook. They have repeatedly warned the U.S. to steer clear of Taiwan. After former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the contested island last year, China defiantly conducted live military exercises in the area. While the U.S rulers want to avoid a military conflict with China until they are ready (Foreign Affairs, 8/23), make no mistake: War is coming. In a system based on theft from workers and the violent elimination of all competition, the imperialist bosses will ultimately have no other choice.

The dangers of nationalism
The poison of nationalism is an essential tool for the capitalists to win workers to fight in this impending war. China is fiercely promoting its nationalist “One China'' rhetoric (The Diplomat, 8/16). Taiwan and U.S. bosses use similarly divisive tactics. With the upcoming election around the corner, Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party has deployed former ambassador Hsaio Bi-khim to the U.S. to fan the flames of nationalist identity politics. Hsiao’s popularity with younger voters reflects a surge in Taiwanese identity across the island and diaspora. By contrast, the main opposition party, Kuomintang, which favors close ties with China, has chosen a hardline anti-U.S. media personality, Jaw Shaw-kong, as its vice-presidential candidate “to appeal to the party’s traditional base of mainland-descended voters.”

Whether pro-China or pro-U.S., no brand of nationalism serves Taiwan’s working class, which suffers from the diseases of capitalism: unemployment, inflation, stagnant wages, and housing shortages (The Diplomat, 5/15). Racism, a natural byproduct of nationalism, prevails as well. The country’s prosperity has been built on apartheid and the racist treatment of 700,000 migrant workers from Southeast Asia. They labor in unsafe factories and are exploited by third-party labor brokers (thediplomat.com, 10/10/19). Whether peddled by bosses in Taiwan or China, Gaza or Israel, Ukraine or Russia, all nationalism represents a counter-revolutionary attack on the working class.

Dark night shall have its end!
The Chinese bosses long ago reversed the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the historic uprising for communism, and plunged the world into a dark night from which we still struggle to emerge. But Progressive Labor Party declares that dark night shall have its end! Workers around the world are already showing it is possible to reject imperialist war and identity-based divisions. Anti-Zionist Jews in Israel and around the world have bravely called for an end to the genocidal war in Gaza. International protests against Israel’s vicious ethnic cleansing have been filled with workers of all stripes.

PLP must sharpen the struggle to turn struggles against imperialist war into struggles for communist revolution. Amid the growing danger posed by rival gangs of capitalist bosses, we must maintain our unwavering trust in and dedication to the international working class. Our goal is to end this criminal system and build a communist world run by and for workers. Join us!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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