Redeye on the News . . . November 15, 2023
Friday, November 3, 2023 at 9:39AM

MSNBC, CNN, and Fox are all racist mouthpieces for the bosses
Al Jazeera, 10/29–Publishing unsubstantiated claims, telling only one side of the story, and painting  Palestinians as nothing more than objects in Hamas’s hands are all unprofessional mistakes Western media makes while covering the conflict between Israel and Hamas, media experts and Arab journalists say. Experts and journalists who spoke to Al Jazeera said the systemic “bias in favour of Israel” is “irreparably damaging” the credibility of news agencies…As Western media organisations “dehumanise Palestinians” and “legitimise Israeli violations of international law” as Israel bombs Gaza, it is glaringly obvious that the vital historical context of the trauma Palestinians have been through for the past 75 years is being left out, experts say. United Nations experts say Palestinians in Gaza are facing the risk of genocide…Most of the people within Gaza are the children or grandchildren of Palestinians who were expelled from their homeland during the creation of Israel in 1948 – an event commemorated annually as the “Nakba” or catastrophe.

Israeli Defense Force drops kilotons on bombs on a city
Anadolu Ajansi, 10/24–Israel has dropped more than 12,000 tons of explosives on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, the media office in the Palestinian enclave said on Tuesday. “The explosive force of these explosives is equivalent to the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in Japan” in 1945, the office said in a statement. “An average of 33 tons of explosives were dropped per square kilometer on the Palestinian enclave since Israel started its aggression," it added. Home to 2.3 million people, the Gaza Strip has a total area of 365 square kilometers.

Migration is driven by imperialism
Great Cities Institute, October 2023
–The U.S. immigration crisis has reached a new boiling point. Apprehensions by federal agents of people crossing the U.S. Southern border is at a near-record high. For the past year, tens of thousands of asylum seekers have appeared in cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Denver, many of them dispatched northward in buses by the governors of Texas and Florida. The newcomers have overwhelmed local governments as municipal leaders frantically try to provide them emergency shelter, food and other basic services...Mexico’s president Andrés Manuel López Obrador summed up the current crisis best when he said recently that U.S. sanctions, especially against Venezuela and Cuba, have directly caused the recent migration surge…“The origins, go deep... sanctions cannot be maintained — blockades — and the poorest countries have to be helped,” he added. Likewise, Colombia’s new President Gustavo Petro said recently: “If we truly want to end the disastrous human exodus through the Darien [Gap], the economic blockade of Venezuela must be ended.”

Netanyahu built Hamas
NYT, 10/24/23
—All means were good to undo the notion of Palestinian statehood. In 2019, Mr. Netanyahu told a meeting of his center-right Likud party: “Those who want to thwart the possibility of a Palestinian state should support the strengthening of Hamas and the transfer of money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy.”…The strategy was intended to cement the notion that there was no viable Palestinian partner for peace.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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