Solidarity rally: Working people have no nations!
Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 11:25AM

BROOKLYN, October 1—Progressive Labor Party and friends of a local community organization decried liberal fascist Mayor Erick Adams’s new ordinance to evict migrant families.

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, after a rainstorm paralyzed the whole city of NYC (see page 4), we marched the streets of Bushwick near a shelter, chanting slogans both in English and Spanish in this integrated neighborhood.

We chanted slogans such as, “workers united will never be defeated” and “immigrants yes and evictions no.”
Our communist politics were well received by workers, and many took both the CHALLENGE and leaflets, and some young people briefly joined the march and chanted with us. This shows that no matter the condition, no matter the location, there are antiracists everywhere.

Once at the shelter, we gave speeches and chanted in front of the shelter, calling out the savage capitalist system as the cause, which needs to be destroyed and replaced by communism.
We got harassed by security. Some of the migrants were a little scared to show their faces on the window because of the harassment they go through by the cops.

We had also learned that a big portion of the migrants had already been evicted the night before and had been kicked out in the streets in the pouring rain that Governor Kathy Hohcul called “life-threatening.” Mayor Adams has been seeking to suspend the “right to shelter” law at a time when the City has the most needs to house people. These politicians’ decisions—Republicans and Democrats—are driven by profit needs, not workers’ needs.

This putrid racism displayed today is what capitalism has to offer to families already terrorized by the profit system (see page 2). A system that literally puts families into the streets in the middle of storms and floods deserve to be drowned. Smash all borders! See more next issue!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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