Worcester May Day ‘Kops, the Kourts, the Ku Klux Klan, all Part of the Bosses’ plan
Saturday, May 28, 2022 at 1:52PM

WORCESTER, MA, May 1—The revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party, along with other community organizations, organized a May Day march here. The PLP in New England gave political communist leadership to a march of about 70 workers and youth, with two thirds who are not members (yet).
Prior to the march, we organized several pre-May Day planning meetings and invited members of the Worcester Tenants Union and others to help with security. Considering recent Nazi actions in Boston and Providence, we thought there was a possibility that these fascists would show up and attack the march. Worcester Tenants Union provided street medics and helped with security. There were two disruptions of anti-communists, but we kept them at bay.
We marched to a Worcester Housing Authority apartment building where we’ve organized. Our comrade at the housing project told of struggles they waged against the housing bosses and won, such as getting new laundromats, repairing faulty elevators, and no armed police at monthly tenant meetings, to name a few. His remarks were well received.
Progressive Labor Party's message of no sell-out deals with the bosses, reject the bosses' system of wages and money and our fight for communism were distinct and set us apart from the other May Day events taking place. We hope to win more workers and students to the movement for communism.  
Our speeches opposing the U.S./NATO/Russian imperialist war in the Ukraine and the need for Ukrainian and Russian workers to unite to end this imperialist war was sharp, and new to many. At this moment, we are the political vanguard of the anti-war movement. Our chants of “Arab, Jewish, Black and white, Workers of the world unite!" and the “Cops, the Courts and Ku Klux Klan, all a Part of the Bosses’ plan” resonated with the marchers.  Many passersby honked their horns in support.
Our calls for continued multiracial unity of workers against systemic racism, sexism, and other disparities, strengthen our resolve to fight for a communist world. We will smash these inequities, borders, politicians, and imperialist wars once and for all.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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