Pakistan: fight against misleaders, fight for workers
Saturday, May 28, 2022 at 1:49PM

PAKISTAN—The Progressive Labor Party (PLP) organized some May Day celebrations with the assistance of our friends and comrades working in different labor, student and professional organizations. We also organized a demonstration with torches in our hands at night which attracted many passersby. Our slogans were, “one world, one flag, one fight, workers of the world unite” and “down with capitalism—long live communism!”
Our comrades talked about the necessity of a united struggle against capitalist oppression, fundamentalism, fascism, racism and nationalism which is dividing the working class. We explained that all divisions and bad ideas are promoted by the bosses to misdirect the anger of the working class and weaken our unity. We also talked about the history of the workers' struggle in Pakistan and concluded that we have to win workers to build a fight outside of the ruling-class puppets’ misleadership. Our comrades explained in detail that we need an international communist revolution under the red banner of the PLP!
Misleaders of the working class
This May Day occurred against the backdrop of the bosses’ current attempt to divide and use our class for their own dirty capitalist interests. Bosses are using religion, nationalism, racism and gender differences to weaken the working-class movement and, regrettably, they succeeded in their tactics by pacifying  many of us, which was very strong in the past. Different union misleaders— on the payroll of bosses—pit workers against each other, fighting over nothing but personality cults.
The bought-out unions never struggled against the contract system, which binds workers to not even talk with each other while at work. Workers did not even get the day off for May Day.  That’s one of the reasons why the participation of the working class was minimal. The other reason is the International Labour Organization, which is giving support to the misleaders and they are using all that financial support for themselves. These leaders are passing their lives in a lavish style which discourages workers from participating in demonstrations organized by them.
PLP is trying to unite the working class in the reform struggles for basic necessities, like no harassment at workplaces, security, job guarantee, gratuity, sufficient increase in their wages and to get the right to unionize. In this struggle, we must fight for commnist ideas to win out. Join PLP!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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