Zionism leaves fighters injured over racist borders
Friday, February 4, 2022 at 6:47PM

BURIN, WEST BANK, PALESTINE, January 21– A group of 30 Jewish fighters, mostly over the age of 70, as well as two members of Progressive Labor Party (PLP), showed antiracist solidarity with the Palestenian working class in the village of Burin. They helped plant new olive trees where old ones have been uprooted.
Immediately, a group of settlers, armed with clubs and a firebomb, attacked, all in the name of zionism. All forms of nationalism is a deadend ideaology for our class; we need Jewish-Muslim unity against racism.
The small Palestinian village of Burin, near Nablus, for several years has suffered many attacks by settlers from the nearby highly illegal Israeli far-right settlement, "Givat Ronen." - The settlers brutalize the locals and destroy their property and livelihood, including uprooting olive trees - a major crop raised by the Burin's hard-working residents.
The Israeli military, ever-present in the West Bank, never protects the villagers - but quickly protects the settlers if the villagers try to defend themselves.
This type of nationalist racism is not new to the international working class. Just as we see across capitalist borders around the world, bosses will claim rights to land in the name of profit even if it means turning a blind eye to this robbery or executing our class sisters and brothers. Only with communism, when we smash nations and borders will we be free of racist violence and murder.
Israel STILL guilty of racism
The entire event was recorded on video and was quickly on the news. While in racist Israel, attacks on Palestinian villagers usually go unnoticed, an attack on elderly Israeli peace activists does enter the news.
This caused a major political uproar in Israel, as even many Israeli liberals felt anger over the cowardly and savage attack. Many called on the government to remove the illegal "Givat Ronen" settlement, which overlooks Burin, and to arrest the settler thugs. Nothing has been done so far.
The Israeli police force, which has recently been exposed for spying on political dissidents, and regularly spies on Palestinians, could have easily located and arrested the fascist thugs. However, apart from an online outcry (rather than actions) from certain politicians, Israel's liberal "Government of Change" has done nothing to deal with these criminals and their - once again - highly illegal  settlement.
Liberals and cops will never defeat fascists, as liberalism and fascism are two sides of the same rotten coin, and as cops often are fascists themselves or at minimum complicit in protecting fascist controls. The only way forward is revolution by building an international communist party – PLP!
A good starting point would be to invite younger antiracists to political events, to train against fascist pogroms.
In the long run, we must build a revolutionary movement to smash capitalism and fascism with the only alternative: communism.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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