Kenosha antiracists receive communist solidarity 
Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 11:24PM
Challenge_DesafĂ­o in Racism, jacob blake, kenosha, police, rebellion

KENOSHA–The brutal shooting of Black worker Jacob Blake, on camera, by kkkop Rusten Sheskey last month once again cast a spotlight on capitalism’s racist and sexist hatred for working-class lives. Already pummeled by a deadly pandemic, widespread unemployment, and mounting evictions, it can seem as though there is no limit to the violence that the capitalist bosses can rain upon our class.
Now likely paralyzed for the rest of his life, Jacob speaks truth from his hospital bed when he says that “we can stick together” and change the situation that faces the international working class. The militant, multiracial and worker-led rebellions that rocked his home city after his shooting are a symbol of our collective power and therefore strike fear directly into the hearts of the ruling-class capitalists.
It was with this understanding that members of the communist Progressive Labor Party (PLP) traveled to Kenosha to extend solidarity and share revolutionary politics with rebels there. In doing so, we hope to create connections between our many anti-racist struggles and develop the relationships necessary to build an international mass Party capable of destroying this profit system, the root of our misery. Freedom from racist police terror, pandemics, unemployment and war comes with the death of capitalism and the construction of an egalitarian communist world.
Antiracism knows no borders
The first trip we PL’ers organized came three days after Jacob’s shooting, and the very next day after fascist vigilante teenager Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed (with kkkop complicity) multiple antiracist fighters. To be sure, there was a heightened sense of awareness and even a certain degree of fear of what to expect when we entered the city.
It didn’t take long after entering the downtown area (the epicenter of the rebellion) that we were able to link up with antiracist marchers. It was in this context that we were reminded exactly where security for the working class lies: within the mass movement and under collective action. Refusing to be intimidated by the state-endorsed violence that occurred the night before, our multi-racial group marched for miles through various neighborhoods and shut down multiple intersections.
Local Black workers led the march, leading chants and successfully repelling any would-be instigators who tried to heckle and infiltrate. PL’ers helped to lead chants, distributed dozens of a Party flier written about Jacob and the rebellion, and made conversation and contacts.
Our presence and politics were well-received, debunking the false idea that “outsiders” aren’t welcome in these rebellions. In fact, many other antiracist fighters there had come from across the region and around the country to support. The fight against racist capitalism knows no boundaries or borders!
Building connections, rejecting liberal capitalism
The following week the Party organized another solidarity trip to Kenosha, with a larger contingent of members and a close friend. Coincidentally it was the same day that gutter racist U.S. President Donald Trump made a visit to the city, in an open appeal to his pro-cop voting base. There was a general expectation that his appearance would inflame tensions between the antiracist and racist forces in the area.
But the working class is smart, and wasn’t about to play into the Racist-in-Chief’s hand. Instead of open clashes, PL’ers came upon a community block party organized by friends and family of Jacob in front of the apartments where he was shot. Food was provided free of charge, games were set up for youth, and medical services were offered.
Speeches were given by workers and activists, including Jacob’s uncle who put it brilliantly when he stated, “The movement isn’t about the money; it’s about the relationships we build.”
However, there were weaker messages as well. Appeals were made to register to vote and to support Democratic politicians, and to set up a separate Black infrastructure of businesses and police departments.
As communists, we struggle with other workers to reject these bosses’ traps that have done nothing to advance our collective liberation. Some of the worst attacks, including mass incarceration, deportations, and police terror, have occurred with liberals in power. Voting and buying into the system will never lead to the world we need and deserve – only mass fightback and communist revolution can do that.
Boldness on the rise
After the block party, we made our way back to the downtown area to connect with other rebels. We distributed dozens of CHALLENGE newspapers, and made even more contacts. One pro-Trump supporter was foolish enough to enter the crowd and run his racist mouth, but was swiftly beat down and ran from the area. Antiracists then gleefully lit his Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat on fire.
The commotion immediately drew the attention of the police, who pulled up in an attempt to seal off the area and intimidate. Their move in fact had the opposite effect, as the antiracists then turned our attention to them in order to shout them down and run them off the scene.
One veteran PL’er noted that such a bold move noted a qualitative change in the character of the movement. He commented that while maybe five or 10  years ago the protest would have shut down, there is a boldness is blossoming among many working-class youth. As capitalism descends further into crisis mode and fascist attacks increase, this commitment to continue fighting, no matter what, is a positive sign for the international working class.
A lifetime of revolution
In this summer of rebellion, it is essential to recognize that we have likely stimulated more change in the streets than we can ever hope to accomplish in the voting booth. PLP is proud to support and fight alongside our class, with the goal of winning the masses to the next necessary step: joining the Party and the lifelong fight for a communist revolution.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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