Free Mohawk! Free them all with communist revolution!
Friday, December 18, 2020 at 5:47PM

The struggle continues to force the racist bosses to drop all charges against Black artist/organizer Jeremey “Mohawk” Johnson. Mohawk was attacked and arrested in August during an anti-kkkop protest in downtown Chicago with many others, and remains on house arrest connected to “aggravated assault.” Communists from Progressive Labor Party (PLP) have been active in trying to build this battle in the streets, courts, and our workplaces.
The fight to free Mohawk has expanded into a wider mass campaign to challenge capitalist state terror that faces antiracist fighters here in the city. A grassroots citywide defense committee has been created, and over 60 antiracists filed a lawsuit against the Chicago Police Department after being targeted and beaten by the bosses’ attack dogs (See CHALLENGE, 12/16).
So if you’re in the Chicago area on December 29th, come support the fight by joining the rally and picket in front of Leighton Courthouse on 26th Street and California Avenue at 9:30 am CST. The capitalist bosses fear nothing more than a multiracial united working-class armed with communist politics. Let’s keep up the fight to free Mohawk, and tear down this whole racist system!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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