Get ready for May Day with PLP!
Friday, April 5, 2019 at 11:32AM

BROOKLYN, April 3—Members of a community organization where Progressive Labor Party does political work participated in a preparation meeting to collect funds and plan the participation of friends in the May Day march. Thirty people, most immigrant workers from different countries, met with PLP during this international dinner. Two PL’ers members led the political program.
A young PL’er opened the event. He related a profound review and pictures on the history and beginnings of May Day and the eight hour day. During his presentation, the young leader informed the workers that May Day is a holiday all over the world except in the U.S., even though it was born in Chicago. He talked about how the bosses are always trying to erase workers struggles by rewriting history. Workers really paid attention to this history presentation. At the end there were many questions about his presentation and pictures.
Aftwards, veteran PLP comrade with a long history of struggle began her presentation asking the workers there several questions about their work. She showed several images of workers fighting each other while the bosses laugh. She also showed images of how we can unite and fight back. The participants liked that image so they asked for copies of it. She gave them a pamphlet about May Day in English, for those who are learning the language.
Many workers participated enthusiastically during the discussion on the importance of participating not only in the march, which will be led by PLP,  but all the activities leading to May Day. This is the heritage left us by those who fought in the first May Day in Chicago in 1886 against the capitalist system. During the discussion we asked:  How can we abolish capitalism once and for all and create workers power?  Why do the bosses still rob us of our salaries and discriminate against us even though their politicians have passed “laws” against that?  The young leader asked us to participate in the international workers day, that it belongs to us even if the U.S. bosses try to take it from us.
These questions generated a good discussion amongst those present. A worker from an agency that provides homeworkers, and many times has worked up to 24 hours straight while only getting 13 hours pay and has no rights, talked about her vibrant experience in confronting her boss. This opened the way for others to share their experiences. They all told stories of exploitation and discrimination, fear of being fired, and how the threat of deportation stops them from fighting back. There were several proposals of unity, on how to organize small struggles against the exploiting bosses at these and other sites where our friends work.
At the closing, PL’ers invited the people present to participate in the May Day march, so they can see on a small scale how the workers take the streets. We also had a delicious dinner, prepared by other comrades and families. We felt optimism at the commitment of those present.
The workers left the event with enthusiasm, thirsty to know more about the history of May Day. We left convinced that this is how we can expand the base of a communist movement, led by the Progressive Labor Party. This is how you make a revolution and create workers power for an egalitarian society without bosses and to end the profit system of exploitation. We still have a while until our communist march on May Day. We hope for a solid turnout and we’ll continue to work enthusiastically to make it happen.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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