Ilhan Omar woos liberals into capitalists arms
Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 10:45AM

The U.S. bosses are succeeding, at the moment, with enamoring young antiracists, Muslim workers, and pro-Palestinian activists with one of the recently elected U.S. congresswomen: Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. Omar recently critiqued the powerful American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), a racist pro-Israel lobbyist group which steers large donations to U.S. politicians. Now, Omar and her recently elected “democratic socialist” colleagues are accused by pro-Israeli Zionists and racist pro-cop tabloids like the New York Post of anti-Semitism, in response to suggesting that Israel’s disproportionate influence in U.S. politics is due to money.However, their analysis of AIPAC’s role is fundamentally flawed–because it’s backwards. Omar and her “socialist” colleagues say Israel is controlling U.S. foreign policy through financial contributions.However, as history teaches us over and over, politics are primary over economics. No matter how many “Benjamins” may change hands through AIPAC, it’s U.S. imperialism that uses on the Israeli state to project power through the Middle East, and it’s Progressive Labor Party that’s building the only solution to end this imperialist nightmare once and for all: communist revolution!
U.S. Israeli bosses: no friend of Jewish workers
The U.S. bosses’ strong ties with Israel are not born out of any love for Jewish workers. This certainly was proven before and during World War II, when the U.S. did little to protest the racist, fascist anti-Jewish policies of the Nazis, nor did they welcome Jewish immigrants -unlike the Soviet Union. Nor, once the truth of the holocaust, the murder of six million Jewish workers, was exposed during the war, did the U.S. intervene to stop the slaughter.
Following World War II, the U.S. saw the need to counter Soviet interests in the oil- rich Middle East, which also had mass communist parties building among both Arab and Jewish sectors of the working class. Thus grew the support for the formation of the state of Israel, and its ongoing support today. Today, the U.S. needs to counter the interests of imperialist rivals like Iran and China.
Israel’s vicious bosses dependent on U.S.
When Israel’s wishes have run counter to those of the U.S., such as when the Barack Obama’s administration wished to make a treaty with Iran, the U.S. proceeded with its own preferred policy. Most U.S. administrations have hoped that Israel would come to a settlement with the Palestinians so that the issue did not continue to inflame anti-Israeli sentiment around the world, although this is not a strong enough desire, to threaten and aid Israel seriously. Ilhan Omar and her fellow “democratic socialist” politicians’ analysis denies the reality that U.S. imperialism encompasses the entire world and is universally aimed at maintaining dominance. In a Washington Post op-ed (3/17), Omar stated that: “I believe in an inclusive foreign policy – one that centers on human rights, justice and peace as the pillars of America’s engagement in the world.”At no time in U.S. history have the bosses been driven by “human rights” concerns over imperialist power. The capitalist class uses vague terms like “human rights” as punchlines in speeches and as a cover for mass slaughter of workers all over the world.
Arab, Jewish, Black, white: Workers unite
Politicians like Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio - Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and others are celebrated in the bosses’ media because they sucker workers into the capitalists’ electoral system. These politicians –whether they actually believe it or not is–claim that capitalism can provide healthcare and wealth to all workers, by electing a few more Democrats and making a few more tweaks.
They say that the U.S. military can be used for good, rather than for imperialism’s goals of conquering resources, markets, and cheap labor around the world. Capitalism cannot give up its profits, racism, fascist terror, or its imperialist wars. And we cannot elect away the evils of capitalism. To get rid of exploitation, racism, and imperialist war, you have to get rid of capitalism. You have to join PLP, march with us on May Day, and FIGHT BACK!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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