DC transit workers get strike-ready
Thursday, August 9, 2018 at 11:52PM

WASHINGTON, DC, July 15—Two thousand DC Metro transit workers overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike today. Speech after speech, workers called for the end of privatization and the bosses’ strict disciplinary policies. Members of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) pointed out the racist nature of the bosses’ attacks. As the transit bosses attack the predominantly Black workers, they are attacking all workers, including the workers who ride the busses and trains. A strike authorization vote is symbolic and sharper fightback is necessary, such as job actions and a strike. We need to flex our working class muscles because eventually we need a revolution, the abolition of capitalism, and a communist world—workers’ power!
The contract expired on June 30, 2016. After nearly a year of negotiations, the union held a series of mass meetings. The overwhelming sentiment from the workers was to continue negotiations, insist that our demands be met, and avoid arbitration which generally works against workers’ interests. PL’ers are fighting to make the union strike ready in order to increase our strength for the coming struggle.
In September 2017, despite the objections of the membership, the union leadership invoked arbitration to resolve the contract dispute. In the arbitration hearing, Metro bosses called for eliminating the defined benefit pension system for new employees, increasing the cost of health insurance and a three-year wage freeze. As of today there has been no outcome of the arbitration process.
Today’s strike vote did not address the stalled arbitration process, but rather centered on violations of the current collective bargaining agreement. The response of the press and the local politicians to the strike vote went from calling for congressional action to dissolving the union to reducing the local governments’ financial contributions to Metro. One politician did express vague support for the workers but not for the strike. As usual, the press and politicians support the bosses.
More fight ahead
There is a lot of work to do before a strike can be successful. There are over 8,000 members of the local and they need to be organized around the demands. Since a strike against the transit authority is illegal, the membership must be prepared for attacks from the courts. An illegal strike is no simple matter!
PLP is working hard to prepare for the fight ahead. A successful strike at Metro could strengthen the entire labor movement. Metro is key to the functioning of the country’s capital. The last time the local went on a wildcat strike in 1978, the federal courts called it a national emergency. (Wildcat strike is when the workers go on strike without the approval of their union bosses.) Its effect this time would be even greater, and would lead to government and management reprisals.
The main task before us is to build the Party club at Metro and also strengthen the emerging rank and file leadership. This is particularly important because of the growing weakness of U.S. imperialism. The bosses do not want any serious challenges from the labor movement as they build racism and prepare for war. Stay tuned for further developments as we seek to grow the revolutionary movement even as we fight  to improve the workers’ day-to-day situation through intensified class struggle.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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