Commemorating 25-year fight for Archie, killed by kkkops 
Friday, July 13, 2018 at 2:02PM

PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD, June 23—Antiracists, including members of Progressive Labor Party, paid tribute to the struggle for justice for Archie Elliott III, murdered by the police here 25 years ago. Archie’s mother Dorothy Copp Elliott, who has been waging the decades-long struggle, raised the importance of multiracial unity. The night showed why all workers should unite to end police terror. An injury to one is an injury to all.  
Twenty-five people participated in this fundraiser for a scholarship in Archie’s memory. Two people received $2,500 each. The scholarship is for Black students who plan to attend an HBCU (Historically Black College or University). The committee needs more funds to keep Archie’s name alive. The fund symbolizes our commitment to continue the struggle to end racist police terror. Donations can be made at
Injustice system kills Archie, again
Archie, 24, was pulled over in 1993 while driving home from his construction job, searched, handcuffed behind his back, and placed in the front seat of a police cruiser. Two cops alleged that Archie pointed a gun at the cops. The police then shot him 22 times, 14 shots fatally hitting him.
The usual racist capitalist injustice system then kicked into high gear. The cops got off without any consequences. Appeals even reached the Supreme Court, which declined to hear his case. Recent efforts to re-open the case were also refused by the States Attorney Angela Alsobrooks, who is likely to be the next County Executive.
Black, Latin, white unite against racism
At the fundraiser, Dorothy noted that Wayne Cheney, the Prince George’s cop who killed Archie, murdered again a year and a half later. This time, he fatally shot a young white man, again with impunity and no discipline. This fact symbolizes the reality that racist police terror creates a culture that endangers the entire working class. It is in all workers’ class interest to to fight racism in all forms.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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