Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 7:43AM

CHICAGO—“Workers from Chicago to South Sudan to Mexico must unite to smash this capitalist system” were the closing words from a comrade who gave a speech at the Progressive Labor Party’s (PLP) rally for International Workers Day: May Day. It was a rainy and cold day in Chicago but that didn’t stop about 50 PLP members and friends from calling out capitalism for its destruction of the lives of working people. We chanted and distributed Challenge to workers walking by and in their cars. Some joined our chants as they passed, and many more honked in solidarity.  In this heavily Latin community, our call to smash deportations and fascism was especially well received.  
Get Involved In Fighting Back
At the dinner later that day, a comrade summarized the year of struggle we had in Chicago. From marching on racist, murdering kkkop Jason Van Dyke’s house, to helping organize a march on the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), to fighting back against the racist lead poisoning of workers, we have immersed ourselves in the class struggle against capitalist attacks.
Recommit To Communist Revolution
Another comrade called for all members, and friends to commit and recommit themselves to the revolutionary struggle for communism. We want more than just a few reforms. As the capitalists plan for more imperialist wars and more racist attacks on the working class, we say that a better world is possible! With about 100 in attendance, our comrade called on our friends to join the Party. We need to sharpen the fight against fascism and imperialism and everyone can contribute. He then told a story about a young mother in the Soviet Union during World War II. During the battle of Stalingrad, after dropping her child at the communal daycare, she and her older daughter went straight to their volunteer work digging anti-tank trenches. Everyone has a role to play in fighting for and building communism. When the working class is under attack, we need everyone to step up and be part of an organized fightback. These fightbacks are the building blocks of our future world without sexism and racism; that’s communism!
The past and future of our party were exemplified by a moving tribute to a veteran comrade, and a heartfelt speech by a new member about why he joined. Spoken word and musical performances enlivened our May Day celebration.
Join the Progressive Labor Party
May Day is a celebration of workers’ struggles but it is also a time for people to recommit themselves to the revolutionary communist struggle. It is a time to get inspired, and to get involved fighting back against school closings, cut backs in healthcare, imperialist wars, and police terror. A united working class is destined to win. Get off the fence! Join the Progressive Labor Party!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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