Friday, May 6, 2016 at 5:32PM

LOS ANGELES, May 1—Progressive Labor Party marched with hundreds of workers in the streets of downtown. We joined a march for immigrant rights raising our red flags high.  We carried a long banner that was made by a friend of the Party which proclaimed, “FIGHT FOR COMMUNISM!, ¡LUCHE POR EL COMUNISMO!”
Walking along in a march dedicated to reforming capitalism, we boldly sang, “Fight for Communism, Power to the Workers.” Marchers and workers on the streets took 400 of our CHALLENGEs.  We made contacts on the march including two youth, who after seeing our banner said that they love communism and asked how they can get more information about our organization. Another new base member from the communist work in the church agreed to join a Party study group. The march culminated a weekend of class struggle for the Party.
Celebration of Communism
The night before, we held a rousing dinner, with more than 50 comrades and friends attending. Accompanied by guitar, claves, tambourine and congas, our group of teachers, students, garment workers, health workers, church members, musicians and artistic workers enjoyed a multiracial evening of singing, poetry, speeches and spoken word in Spanish and English.
We also had lively discussion inspired by the questions, “Can capitalism be destroyed and communism built without a party to lead that struggle? To succeed, what features does such a Party need?” That conversation, which could have gone on for much longer, will continue as we work with our comrades and friends in the class struggle against racism, sexism, nationalism and imperialism.
An important part of that struggle is to increase the readership of CHALLENGE and we started that with new subscriptions to this communist paper. The evening continued with a speech on the state of the world and a call to action. Organizing for a communist society means getting rid of capitalism, a political system that exploits and terrorizes workers worldwide and is leading the dominant imperialists toward a world war that they expect the workers to fight in. We say we will fight for communism! The international working class shall be the human race!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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