MAY DAY: Colombia
Friday, May 20, 2016 at 2:19PM

BOGOTA, COLOMBIA, May 1—Over 50,000 workers, women and men , marched here on May Day, the International Working-Class Day, including 51 comrades and friends of PLP.
Early in the day we distributed 2,000 flyers and CHALLENGEs and held important ideological debates with trade union and community leaders, explaining our political ideas. They invited us to strengthen their struggles with our participation and we invited them to join our revolutionary Party.  
Afterwards, with our signs, slogans and PLP red flags we marched amongst the crowd chanting: “Peace between classes serves criminal bosses”; “Against the fascist state, communist revolution”; “Long live International Communist May Day”; “Capitalism is the problem, communism is the solution”; “Bring down capitalist nationalism with communist internationalism”; “Bring down capitalist dictatorship with communist revolution”; and 20 others.
Our slogans were in sharp contrast to reformist slogans calling for State pacifism and less corruption. The police watched over the march while the media filmed social organizations’ and so-called trade unions’ dance and music troupes which turned the day into a carnival, ignoring the ideological struggle and important historical significance of May Day.     
There were also members of several community organizations, who invited us to debate their proposals. We called for working-class unity, the defeat of racism and nationalism and the building of our Party, as well as preparing for future struggles, given that the bosses’ capitalist system can survive all crises as long as they hold state power. The overthrow of this system of exploitation is the only crisis the bosses cannot survive. The fight to achieve this objective is our Party’s goal.
We militantly entered Plaza Bolivar and organized to maintain the security of our comrades and friends, since the Labor Federations runs the show and bars any participation. There were violent confrontations between the police and angry protesters who were demonstrating their opposition to the racist and sexist politics and wage slavery that divide us. The media describes them as “social misfits,” when in reality it is the oppressive system which causes all the evils in our lives and will only by eliminated by workers’ power and the international communist revolution.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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