Teachers Attack Fascist Education Reforms
Friday, February 12, 2016 at 12:21PM

MEXICO, February 10— The crisis of overproduction hits Mexico, driving bosses to attack workers. The working class is fighting back!
The overproduction of oil is causing a worldwide crisis for capitalist bosses, and the bosses of Mexico are in crisis, too. As always, the bosses are increasing their attacks against the working class to try and salvage their unjust and criminal system, and at the same time increase their enormous wealth.
Bosses Try to Centralize Control
In Mexico, the local capitalist class is using a new law, Pact for Mexico, in order to unify the capitalist class and more efficiently attack workers. The Pact has support from all levels and branches of government across the political spectrum, from the ruling right-wing party PRI to the fake-left Green Party. They hope that by getting all the bosses on the same page, they can crack down on worker resistance and restore profits, thus furthering the attack on students.
With this law, the federal and state governments are trying to reassert control over the unions. Part of this law affects the education workers and the teacher’s union. Teachers are being forced to participate in punitive job evaluations and they are losing their power of collective bargaining. All of this translates to attacks on job benefits and wages, and therefore a lower quality education for students. They are attacking teachers with the military, the bosses’ media, and freezing of the union bank accounts, arresting union leaders, and the orders to jail union leaders, amongst other strategies.   
To confront these fascist policies, the teachers union (CNTE) and its Oaxaca local Section 22 called for walkouts, marches, and strikes. As state intimidation increases, teacher participation in these actions is declining. In response, Section 22 of the teachers union organized a Political Congress in January 2016, with the main objective of reorganizing and strengthening the resistance movement.
Union Leaders Con Workers into Electoral Farce
What did the union leaders decide at the Political Congress? Not organizing for more fightback! The union misleaders, phony communists, and reformist groups are once again trying to lead the workers of Section 22 into bourgeois electoral politics, which can never serve working-class interests. They are organizing a “punishment vote” by urging workers to vote against the dominant parties. History has shown time and time again that voting for different parties can never bring change. Only with fightback and communist revolution can the working class get what they deserve: a world where they are the decision makers. In that fightback spirit, teachers burned electoral papers (see front page photo).
Among these opportunists are Aristarco Aquino Solís, ex-General Secretary for PRD, a leading liberal political party. In 2006, the PRD approved the deployment of the federal police (Policía Federal Preventiva, PFP).  These police arrested and jailed hundreds of teachers, students and farm workers in Nayarit and other states.  In 2007, they used Section 22 to make a pact to vote for Gabino Cue for governor of Oaxaca, as “punishment vote to [dominant parties] PRI and PAN”. Gabino betrayed the teachers in 2015 accepting the Education Reform, the punitive evaluation, and the teachers have not been paid more than 5,000 pesos since then. He called for the arrests of leaders of the teachers strike and jailed Othón Nazariega, Roberto Jiménez, Efraín Picasso y Juan Carlos Orozco.
Other misleaders are Zenén Bravo, militant for the UTE-FPR-Communist Party of Mexico and Perfecto Mesinas Quero (local legislator for Convergencia, the actual party of the governor of Oaxaca Gabino Cué Monteagudo).
In 2015, these parties joined to sign the Pact for Mexico and the approval of the structural reforms that the national and international bosses are using to take over natural resources like oil, beaches, mines, and water. Most of the working class is now suffering from high unemployment, low salaries and hunger.
History shows that these misleaders do not serving working-class interests. They are colluding with the bosses in attacking the movement in exchange furthering their electoral career ambitions.
Don’t Vote, Organize for Workers’ Power
The participating delegates in the Political Congress and its working class base must avoid being part of this illusion of democracy. It is nothing more than a bourgeois dictatorship oppressing and exploiting us with their reforms, their laws, institutions, jails, police, border patrol, and its army.
The working class will advance when we break the political and ideological chains that tie us to this capitalist system. The working class must depend on creating its own process of liberation, building towards a communist society without oppressors or oppressed.
The bosses have an open reign if the working class is not organized. They can take over our energy resources, our minerals, our water and much more.  They can exploit us without mercy in exchange for a miserable salary.  
The Progressive Labor Party is calling all the teachers, students, and workers, to fight for communism, a system organized and led by the workers, where the exploitation and violence against our working class will be outlawed. Smash this capitalist system that exploits, jails, and kills teachers, workers and students! Join us!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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