On the Job, In the Streets Smash Bosses’ Terror
Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 12:23PM

PAKISTAN, July 15 — Pakistan is moving along a bloody path established by the capitalist bosses for their long- and short-term interests. The bosses need fear, chaos and unrest in the country to keep the working class silent on their exploitation and poverty. The bosses pit workers against each other by using nationalism, fundamentalism, sexism, racism and the false concept of ethnicity. Women workers are super-exploited, earning little or no pay and often working under subhuman conditions. All of these divisions are an attempt to circumvent our unity. PLP is fighting to unite workers to challenge the bosses.
Racist Massacres
The recent massacre of Pakhtoons (pashtuns) in Baluchistan, where about 40 working-class travellers were killed brutally after being abducted from two public busses, is another attempt by the bosses to generate perpetual violence. Baluchistan has two main ethnic groups, the Baluchs and Pakhtoons, that lived together peacefully for many years. After killing thousands of innocent working-class people in the name of religion, the imperialist bosses and their puppets launched a new strategy in Baluchistan: to divide these two groups. Baluch separatists, funded by imperialist bosses, executed the killings. PLP asserts that nationalism is a tool used by imperialism to further the bosses’ interests throughout the world.
In 2015, 30 Baluchistan coal miners were killed by terrorists while sleeping in tents in Turbat, Baluchistan. These miners work hard to produce profit for bosses without any safety equipment and with outmoded, dangerous techniques. After this heinous attack, it was proved that security personnel aided the terrorists.
In Karachi, more than 250 workers were burned alive in a Bladia town garment factory after the factory owners refused to pay extortion money to a racist political party. Soon after that barbaric act, the culprit was arrested by some brave security officials, but his affiliation with the party was suppressed. Bosses are always protecting each other one way or another.  
Capitalist bosses need profit, above all. By avoiding direct clashes with nationalist and religious terrorists that might threaten their investments, the bosses are protecting their money at the cost of workers’ lives. They are also giving funds and support to the nationalist and religious terrorists because they want to keep oppressing and killing workers.
Capitalism breads nationalism, sexism, racism, fundamentalism and ethnic divisions to keep workers from uniting. Elections are used to deepen these divisions.
We cannot get rid of all these capitalist evils without uniting workers worldwide for an international communist revolution. We know that capitalism has to die. Let us struggle hard under the red banner of the international revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party to make communism a reality.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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