Anti-Racist Upsurge Goes International
Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 12:01PM

THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS, July 2 — Three days of rebellion broke out after the kkkops murdered a Black tourist. The uprising in Ferguson, Missouri has spread beyond the borders of the U.S., setting the tone for a militant fight against global racist terror aimed at Black workers.
A multiracial group of young workers, out to enjoy a concert, witnessed the brutal murder. They saw the cops charge a concert-goer named Mitch  Henriquez. Subsequently, five of the kkkops pinned Mitch down and choked him to death on the street. The workers responded immediately, organizing a march that turned into a battle with the police. When the Rebels cornered one group of police, the cops had to fire live warning shots at the crowd to escape justice. For three days the country’s largest city, Amsterdam, was shut down as rebels kept battling the kkkops.
    These anti-racist, multiracial rebellions are inspiring our working-class sisters and brothers to realize our potential to defeat our oppressors and their racist system. Battles like these teach us how to fight and build unity for war. The next step in our battle is for workers to join the revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party and the movement to create a new world run by and for workers, not the ruling-class parasites.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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