Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 12:49AM

New York CITY, February 18 — “A Little Cold, A Little Pain, That Won’t Stop This Justice Train!” That was the chant today as about 150 workers and professionals held a very spirited picket line on the coldest day of the year, in support of the 56 attorneys, paralegals and secretaries who are on strike at Mobilization For Youth (MFY) Legal Services. They are represented by the Legal Services Staff Association (LSSA)/UAW Local 2320. After almost four weeks on strike in record-breaking cold weather, on February 24, MFY’s union signed a new contract with their bosses.
The strikers demanded increased staffing with affirmative action to reduce workloads and better reflect the they serve, and family leave and pay-equity for the lowest-paid workers.
The millionaire Wall Street lawyers who sit on the Board had basically told the strikers, “We can afford to meet your demands. We just don’t think it‘s worth it!”  The bosses also brought in scabs, a temp clerical worker and some contract attorneys.
What they don’t think is “worth it” is quality legal help for the poor, mostly Black, Latin, immigrant and women workers who need help with housing and family court, bankruptcy, benefits for the elderly and many other issues. They want to turn MFY and all legal services for the poor into a McDonald’s type operation, cheap and fast, and a workforce with a huge turnover.
PLP salutes the MFY strikers. Their militancy and solidarity during the bitter cold weather is a model for all workers to follow! But the struggle has only begun. Under capitalism, the living conditions of those MFY serves will only worsen and become more desperate. We call on the MFY strikers to take it to the next level and join PLP!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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