“Peace Plan” Hides Capitalist Intentions
Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 1:34PM

COLOMBIA, October 20 —The long-yearned-for peace for the working class of Colombia has once again been made into a joke, as a result of capitalism and its contradictions, in which the working class has nothing to gain. It is a truly shameful joke, to the point that the people affected by the war, those who have suffered displacement and assassinations, are simply spectators in the process.
The only people who will receive landholdings as a result of the “restitution” will be the politicians who lead the opposition parties and those with influence and privilege. And of course the other beneficiaries: the multinational corporations in mining, oil, and other industries who will be able to invest in Colombia at the expense of the exploitation of the working class, with pitiful wages and terrible working conditions. One example is the case of the Alabama-based Drummond mining company which paid paramilitaries to torture and murder union leaders in 2001.
Now they suppress any protests or workers’ struggles, murdering workers and union leaders. There is widespread rape of female wage workers and agricultural workers by the armies (both official and private), which shows the racist and sexist character of the exploitation. European, American, and Asian capitalism all want a piece of the pie, so they offer generous donations supposedly to guarantee and end to the conflict, but we revolutionaries understand that these capitalists are only buying their right to exploit the working class of Colombia.
World capitalism is in crisis. The apparent sympathy shown by legislation in favor of undocumented workers in the USA or the abolition of visas in Europe are only strategies to prop up the falling rate of profit. As revolutionaries, we are aware of these situations and we avoid siding with any capitalist gang. We redouble our efforts to organize and fight based on our revolutionary program, winning a communist base for the not-to-distant future, when we will put an end to capitalism and its imperialist war with the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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