Growth Brings New Energy 
Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 1:32AM

LOS ANGELES, January 28 — PL’ers and friends here got a much-needed boost this weekend with our communist school. It was a short trip but we left energized. We held two workshops: on the fight against racism and on building a base in the working class.
There were several highlights. Two friends joined PLP. One, a masonry worker, who also has some culinary skill, cooked for us with some collective support. In the racism workshop, we deepened our understanding of the history of racism and capitalism. We continued the discussion on Black workers key to communist revolution.
Moreover, the discussion on building ties in the working class, in mass organizations in particular, led to the second recruit — a Black worker and community organizer.
In between workshops we socialized, ran, played soccer, cooked, cleaned and ate collectively.
There were weaknesses. One was not talking enough about how to improve the fight for communism on our jobs and schools in the upcoming year. Nonetheless, we will continue these discussions in our clubs. With renewed energy and two commitments to the Party, we hope to intensify the struggles in our places of work, campuses, high schools and mass organizations with the aim of building for a much larger May Day contingent and recruiting more workers and youth to the Party.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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