Colombia PL’ers Back Ferguson Rebels
Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 6:28PM

Members and friends of PLP in Colombia condemn the despicable murder of our class brother Michael Brown, whose name must sadly be added to the list of workers murdered in the U.S. and the world by the miserable capitalist system. Capitalism has shed the blood of our friends and comrades since its inception.
The racist policy of this criminal system will not end there and will continue adding to the choking of Eric Garner, the shooting of Kimani Gray, the bleeding-asking-for-help of Kyam Livingston, the racist police murder of Shantel Davis by black detective Phillip Atkins, and thousands more.
Colombia is no different. As the backyard of U.S. capitalism, Colombia’s fascist presidents such as Álvaro Uribe and Juan Manuel Santos have followed the genocidal policies of U.S. imperialism. They order the daily murder and disappearance of workers, peasants and teachers who fight for the interests of the working class.
We admire and support the rebellion and struggle of youth and workers in Ferguson. We know that these just rebellions will continue because they are a necessity and an example for the international proletariat to follow. Ferguson counters the bourgeois norm of believing in capitalist justice and its criminal and racist courts, that are accomplices to the murders. We workers of the world must destroy the bosses’ borders by uniting in our international Party, developing our theory and political organization and combining these forms of struggle to reach our goal of communist revolution.        
For these reasons, we encourage your protests, rebellions, takeovers, and strikes. There shouldn’t be a minute of peace for our class enemies! We must be clear that the oppression of the working class will only end with the dictatorship of the proletariat and the forging of a new communist society.
Comrades in Colombia

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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