Capitalism Kills — Must Kill Capitalism
Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 4:04AM

During the PLP Summer Project, we marched to Murrieta, CA, to oppose the racist position of some of the residents in the area, particularly those who had set up an encampment across the street from Murrieta’s immigrant detention center.
Our chant was very bold and confrontational: “Death, Death, Death to the Racists! Power, Power, Power to the Workers!”
During a study session the following day, someone shared with the group that a few friends who were a part of the march found our chant too violent. “They don’t wish death on anyone!” the comrade said, expressing the sentiment of those who disagreed with the chant. This opened up a conversation on PLP’s stance on the use of violence to destroy capitalism.
So, why do we say “fight back?” Why do we wish for the death of the racist, fascist, capitalist class? Because capitalism kills! Every day, millions of workers die because of this inhumane, violent system, whether because of racist murders by the police, war, starvation, lack of health benefits, poverty-driven crimes or unsafe working conditions.
We are not in love with violence. Surely if there were a way to bring about an egalitarian society by fighting only with our words, we would pursue it. I grew up as a pacifist. A born-again Christian, I was taught to love my enemies, to do good to those that hate me and to pray for my persecutors. But, there’s no way our class will survive following such an idealist philosophy!
The ruling class will never abdicate its power. History has shown that the capitalists have no problem murdering anyone who stands in the way of what they see as “progress.” From the extermination of Native Americans, to the lynching of black slaves, to the assassination of leaders who won’t play the game, to the annihilation of thousands of members of the working class in times of war — the capitalists are unflinchingly violent in their pursuit for profit.
 The capitalists want us to admire those who promote non-violence. These so called “peacemakers” are often used by the rulers to squelch the anguish of the working class to suppress any militant responses and to coax the workers into passively accepting violence while “turning the other cheek.”  
During the meeting, one of our comrades emphasized the callousness of capitalism by sharing some of the horrors of the Salvadoran Civil War. “And when they came,” the comrade explained, “they would kill the mother, the father, the grandmother, baby…if there were a dog they’d kill the dog too… it didn’t matter!”  The Salvadoran government terrorized and targeted civilians with death squads unrelentingly trying to maintain power.
The defeat of capitalism is a matter of life and death, and the capitalists will surely kill before they relinquish their power. The working class must and will fight to defend and protect our lives, the lives of all children and our only home: planet earth. It is natural for all living beings to defend themselves in order to survive. Our resistance is our dignity. Even roses have thorns!
A Fighter

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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