May Day: San Francisco
Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 10:04PM

SAN FRANCISCO, May 1 — PLP here planned two events to celebrate May Day: a Backyard BBQ and a contingent in the May 1 Oakland Sin Fronteras (No Borders) Coalition.
Workers Struggles Have No Borders
As we marched alongside our sisters and brothers to celebrate May Day we chanted in Spanish and English “Obreras unidos jamas seran vencidos,”  “The workers united can never be defeated” and “Fight for Communism, Power to the workers,” Primero de Mayo, Communista  y Proletario.”
  We traded chants with other groups about international solidarity and multiracial unity.  Some from other groups joined us in our call for communist revolution.
A multiracial, international, and multi-generational crowd of over 60 gathered to socialize and celebrate May Day.  It was a wide circle of friends, comrades, neighbors, family, coworkers, retirees, and friends of friends.
A short speech discussed lessons PLP has drawn from the world communist movement and the rise of a police state. One main point was that under President Obama, “the deporter-in-chief”, a police state apparatus has deported more than two million undocumented workers.  The racist USA has the biggest incarcerated population in the world, mostly black and Latino workers and youth.
This May Day shows the potential for international workers’ unity to grow since workers from every continent were present. PLP members’ active participation in the schools, on the job and in community groups can help move the agenda towards developing class consciousness: we are all in one huge, international working class. We think these are small steps to building a mass communist party and movement among workers of the world.  The International working class can become a tornado to destroy capitalism.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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