Students, Parents, Teachers Blast Racism
Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 2:49AM

Brooklyn, September 30 — School starting back in New York this year has meant much more than in recent years. Besides catching up on Math and English, students and staff have needed to address the multiple racist murders committed by kkkops across the country. The liberal politicians and the media have tried to convince workers that all they need is to vote and look to the courts for justice. This line did not resonate with the working class of Ferguson though. They took the streets for two weeks in rebellion. Students, parents and staff in schools in New York are now trying to follow their lead.
On the first day of school, English and Social Studies teachers initiated with lessons discussing the murder of Mike Brown and the resulting uprising. This was not enough for students. They wanted to take the streets.
The Student Government Organization of one Brooklyn school led a study group of about 30 students and staff. Students who attended had been grappling with ideas like “Is it still racist murder when a black officer kills a black youth?” and “the role of police in general” since the first day of class discussions. The next day, they made posters and chant sheets. Throughout the week, they organized their friends, teachers and parents to attend a rally after school on a Friday.
The turnout was outstanding. About 50 students, teachers and parents chanted “The police are violent and we will not be silent” and “Mike Brown means we got to fight back!” The students led the rally from start to finish. Their vigorous chanting encouraged many in the liberal neighborhood to join in as they walked by. Then, the rally was closed with a speech by a student who encouraged all in attendance to continue to organize and fight until there was “real justice”. She explained that to her this meant an end to all police terror and racism.
When parents, students and teachers are united in the fight against racism, Progressive Labor Party has tremendous potential for growth. Every conversation that emphasizes the need for revolution over reform to end racism and police murder is potential for new comrades to join our fight. When our class is under sharp attack by the bosses, we must be ready to fight back.
Events like the murder of Mike Brown, Shantel Davis, and children in Palestine lay capitalism bare for what it truly is: a system that can never serve the needs of the working class. These glaring examples draw a line in the sand and force everyone to choose sides. Workers in Ferguson and around the world have chosen the side to fight back. PLP will continue to push that fight towards communist revolution, the only system that will provide real justice for the working class.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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