Bella Ciao
Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 2:47AM

I would like to congratulate PLP for the work that you are doing, some of which I read in Challenge. I would also like to tell you about how I became a communist and why I joined PLP.
As I learned in the song Bella Ciao, which we sing here in a Creole translation, I will live and die a communist.
How did I become a communist? I was really a communist before I even knew about the concept of communism. Nevertheless, it was because of the reality of my life and my family’s life, and the social and economic conditions of our class which made me choose sides and become a communist. My activities in organizing among students, my political positions and my class consciousness also helped pave the way for me to become a communist. There was really no option more humane than communism in a society where the bosses suck the blood of thousands and millions of workers around the world.
I am proud to call myself a communist.
I came to the PLP through struggles in our town. I helped organize a student reading group, named for one of the founders of the first communist parties in Haïti, Jacques Roumain. It was started by a comrade in order to recruit young communists to the Party and to work with rural workers in our town. We read and discussed the ideas of the Party and the history of the communist movement. I was very interested and talked often with our comrade after our study group and one day he asked me to join our international communist party, PLP.
While our lives in Haiti may differ a little with workers in other countries, with differences in the degree of racist exploitation, I know that we have the same enemy, CAPITALISM. In short, I find that there is an obligation to be in a communist party.
I am not satisfied with the growth of the PLP in Haïti because I expect more from the Party. I will do my best however to work with and struggle with our comrades and friends to build PLP into a mass fighting revolutionary communist party.
Again, I take this occasion to say a big thank you to the members of PLP around the world for being commited to the class struggle. Let us fight for another world, a just world, a communist world!
Comrade S

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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