Workers Confront Obama’s Imperialist Attack on Syria
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 4:26PM

Newark, NJ— Members of the Progressive Labor Party joined about 25 other workers today to protest the U.S. ruling class’s planned attack on Syria.  Called by the community organization, People’s Organization for Progress, the rally leaders criticized Obama and then discussed the history of U.S. imperialism in the Middle East. But they stopped short of identifying capitalism and inter-imperialist rivalry as the main reasons for attacking Syria. CHALLENGE  was welcomed by workers in the demonstration and on the streets.


Brooklyn, NY, August 30 — Students, teachers,  and workers, Asian, black, Latino, and white rallied against the racist murders of Shantel Davis in Brooklyn and the looming racist bombing Syria. The protesters pointed to racism as a necessary element of capitalism. The racism that allows fascism to be built at home, illustrated by racist police murders, is also the bedrock that facilitates imperialism abroad.
PLP rallied in this Flatbush neighborhood because it experiences racist police terror each and every day. It is important to win black workers to struggle against all forms of nationalism, enabling them to be won to communism. They are crucial to communist revolution.
The Flatbush community had a positive response to our presence. Many good conversations occurred about communism, why we should oppose Obama’s bombing of Syria, and the links between racism and imperialism. As of this writing, the U.S. has yet to bomb Syria. Obama parroted the same Weapons of Mass Desrruction lies as his predecessor Bush. In building an anti-war movement, we must keep class war for communist revolution front and center.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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