‘Smash Racist Deportations, Workers Have No Nations!’
Thursday, July 4, 2013 at 3:03AM

New York City, June 28 — A group of determined protestors, immigrant and citizen workers united and led by PLP, picketed the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Processing Center today. Chanting “Smash racist deportations, working people have no nations” and “Familias, si, deportaciones, no” we blocked the main entrance and distributed 400 leaflets to supportive passersby. We have recently experienced deportations of our students and friends and we are outraged!
Silence has fallen across the United States as people wait for “immigration reform.” But all is not quiet! Deportations are on the rise as more and more of our working-class sisters and brothers are handed over to ICE by the criminal justice system. Families are cruelly separated and economic desperation and fear increase. Deportations are racist, mainly targeting immigrants from Latin America, especially from Mexico. There were 400,000 deportations from the U.S. last year. New York State is number five in deportations among all states in the country.
U.S. Border Security Patrol continues to beat and shoot immigrants at the border. Within the last couple months these are some of the attacks that workers faced due to a world with borders. Hernandez-Rojas, father of five, was viciously beaten by numerous border patrol agents at the San Diego border. He later died. Sixteen-year-old Jose Antonio Elena-Rodriguez was shot and killed in his hometown in Nogales, Mexico by U.S. Border Patrol agents shooting across the border from Arizona into Mexico. These are not isolated incidents. They are crimes committed by these racist cops.
U.S. politicians and the press shamelessly label undocumented immigrants in the U.S. “criminals” as though they had all committed felony crimes, like the shootings done by Border Agents. Criminalization of immigrants is racist and if tolerated encourages racist attitudes and actions by people in the U.S.
This is the real face of U.S. immigration policy now and in the future, with or without “reform.” The new immigration bill gives $38 billion to defense contractors to build the world’s most militarized border with 40,000 soldiers. We cannot allow this  situation to continue. We have to unite the whole working class, black, Latin, Asian and white, citizens and all immigrants around the world to fight back! 
Working people move from place to place worldwide to escape poverty, to look for work, healthcare and education, to survive and support families. Working people have no nations, but we do have common class interests. We say workers’ struggles have no borders. Borders exist to support the rulers, bosses and bankers who profit from exploitation and oppression of the working class worldwide. 
Communist revolution will smash all borders — one class, one red flag, one party. Join PLP.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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