Chicago: Antiracist Trayvon Marchers Welcome PL’s Ideas
Wednesday, July 31, 2013 at 6:10PM

CHICAGO, July 14 — Supporters of Trayvon Martin gradually gathered at what first looked like a lonely intersection. News crews and photographers were first to arrive but slowly and steadily students and workers began arriving. The march organizers were college students who were outraged and emotionally affected by the verdict.
Progressive Labor Party members started speaking with the people and distributed 250 CHALLENGES and 700 PL leaflets. All were well- received and 17 contacts were made.
As the crowd grew one could sense the disbelief over the verdict, the anger over another injustice. Reforms, non-violence and prayer were part of this demonstration’s intended message.
However, with every step of the march PL’s message resounded throughout: To fight back and see that the present system is killing us — that racism and cops are tools for the bosses to maximize their profits. The message was so loud cars driving by would honk in support and keep in pace with our chants to let us know that our message was coming across.
As the march approached its destination, PLP members and friends continued to distribute CHALLENGES and flyers, highlighting the key struggles around nationalism, racism and non-violence. The 300 marchers heard the speakers answer the question, “What do we do from here?” with a call for non-violence and prayer and to sign an NAACP petition, reflecting the outlook of the outrage of the organizers, not the protestors.
We had a banner reading, “It’s time for Communist Revolution.” That’s our class’s only alternative to racist cops, courts and their racist laws.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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