Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 5:31PM

PLP members and friends joined the May Day Immigrant Rights March of 500-600 people.  We struggled to bring class consciousness that unites both immigrants and citizens to reject all divisions.
A friend said, “PLP stood out due to its organization, the chants, the amazing banner and red flags. Our contingent energized the march.”
As we rallied, the banner helped us to distribute our flyers and CHALLENGEs. We chanted in English and Spanish for the whole march and sang “Bella Ciao” and the “Internationale.” We chanted for all workers’ power, not just immigrant power. We shared the sound system and chanted together with others.
We connected the racist murders of black youth and the mass deportations of immigrants:
“OPD, KKK: how many kids did you shoot today?”
“Working people have no nation, smash racist deportations!”
The march circled though the Mi Pueblo lot, the site of on-going struggle in Oakland. Its formerly “illegal” Mexican owner decorates his store with the colors of the Mexican flag. Recently he volunteered for I-9 Audits (a fascist program conducted by the Immigration Customs and Enforcements that checks the immigration status of all workers) and fired immigrant workers. A new comrade said it was powerful to have a specific target as we chanted and marched for revolution in the future. 
As the march ended, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan showed up in a red dress, looking for a photo op. A comrade spotted her while another announced on the bullhorn: “There’s Jean Quan.  She sent OPD to attack Occupy Oakland.” Someone near her booed, and the crowd took it up. The boos changed to the chant  “Jean Quan go home.” A young black man asked to use our bullhorn and marched towards her announcing: “Jean Quan supports S-Comm!” (Secure communities, a police program.) She left! 
After the march, we ate and toasted revolution and communism. From a friend: “It was sooo good to celebrate May Day with my red friends. The food was yummy and the conversation is always rich and lively.”  The future is bright!
Workers worldwide continue to fight for a better life. However, if we see ourselves only as immigrants, we lose. If we see ourselves only as citizens, we lose. We belong to only one class — we are the producers of the entire world’s riches — the working class.  When we unite as one class, which dismantles the rulers’ emphasis on borders, ethnicity, gender, “race,” nationality or heritage, WE WIN.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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