Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 5:35PM

PL’ers and friends marched carrying red flags and singing the “Internationale” and “Bella Ciao,” while groups of electricians, teachers, and students who were marching close to us picked up our slogans and chants.
Seeing the energy of our small but daring group, a couple of youth joined our contingent and took one of our banners. We called on workers to get organized in a non-electoral party to fight for a communist revolution to destroy capitalism and its crises and imperialist wars.
The parade of the trade unions, which mostly control production industries, was at 8 am. Around 10 am was the march of the thirty thousand members of dissident unions, which mostly represent teachers, electricians, university workers and service industries. In total we distributed ten thousand flyers amongst the two contingents.
The weekend before May Day we organized two dinner parties and a dinner event for friends. Two comrades discussed the history of May Day, its revolutionary, communist, and international meaning. The majority of participants went to the march.
Workers here and everywhere are facing attacks by the bosses: the reforms to labor, education and telecommunications laws, as well as those to be proposed in energy and farming, will cause more cuts in wages and salaries, and a larger concentration of the market in the hands of Mexican and U.S. millionaires.
Currently, conditions here are worse than China, allowing some bosses here to regain market share in the U.S. The bosses have been successful in reducing workers’ benefits and increasing speed-ups. Imperialist rivalry has already taken its quota of blood from the working class, even prior to imperialist war breaks out.
In these conditions the growth of PLP is vital and urgent. We must combine patience with commitment. Building PLP should be the primary issue on our agenda. A communist world is the future of our class. Long live the international working class and its revolutionary communist party! Long lives communism!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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