Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 4:43PM

Nearly 160,000 workers protested the bosses’ austerity attacks in 286 May Day marches and rallies in cities across France. They also marched against the ANI — a national agreement giving the bosses extended rights to fix workers’ wages, hours, and work locations.
The main demonstrations were organized by the “class struggle” trade union confederations which which oppose the ANI. They continually steer workers into the arms of the “lesser-evil” Socialist Party. They repeatedly call for supposedly neutral government mediation in the Peugeot strike.
In Paris, Peugeot factory workers who are beginning their 16th week on strike formed one of the most militant contingents, chanting “Workers’ strength is in striking!”
Many workers in the Paris May Day march attacked the Socialist Party. Jean-Michel, 44, noted that Socialist president “Hollande said [during the presidential election campaign] ‘I want to be the enemy of finance’ but he has given the bosses 20 billion euros [in tax breaks].”
Ten thousand workers marched in Marseilles, many chanting “no, no to austerity!”
In Bordeaux, (6,000) and in Toulouse (5,700) workers blasted Hollande’s austerity attacks. In Lyons, 4,000 marched despite a heavy shower with signs reading “We won’t pay for capitalism’s crisis,” and in Rouen, 2,000 workers, led by oil workers from the bankrupt Petroplus refinery, chanted “death to austerity!”

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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